Leticia M. Peres
Leticia M. Peres
Professora de Ciência da Computação, Universidade Federal do Paraná
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Monitoring network neutrality: A survey on traffic differentiation detection
T Garrett, LE Setenareski, LM Peres, LCE Bona, EP Duarte
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (3), 2486-2517, 2018
A survey of Network Neutrality regulations worldwide
T Garrett, LE Setenareski, LM Peres, LCE Bona, EP Duarte Jr
Computer Law & Security Review 44, 105654, 2022
Toward RDB to NoSQL: transforming data with metamorfose framework
EM Kuszera, LM Peres, MDD Fabro
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 456-463, 2019
Path selection in the structural testing: Proposition, implementation and application of strategies
LM Peres, SR Vergilio, M Jino, JC Maldonado
SCCC 2001. 21st International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science …, 2001
Utilização de Desafios para o Desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional no Ensino Superior: um relato de experiência
CM Oliveira, R Pereira, L Galvão, L Peres, E Schultz
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2019
Pedagogical Architecture--Internet Artifacts for Bilingualism of the Deaf (Sign Language/Portuguese)
C Guimarães, DR Antunes, LS García, LM Peres, S Fernandes
2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 40-49, 2013
Hello World: 17 habilidades para exercitar desde o início da graduação em Computação
R Pereira, L Peres, F Silva
Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação, 193-203, 2021
Exploring logical and hierarchical information to map relational databases into ontologies
H Tissot, CAG Huve, LM Peres, MDD Fabro
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 13 (3), 191-208, 2019
Exploring data structure alternatives in the RDB to NoSQL document store conversion process
EM Kuszera, LM Peres, MD Del Fabro
Information Systems 105, 101941, 2022
A Systematic Review of Concolic Testing with Aplication of Test Criteria.
LY Araki, LM Peres
ICEIS (2), 121-132, 2018
A Process for the Representation of openEHR ADL Archetypes in OWL Ontologies
AM Porn, LM Peres, M Didonet Del Fabro
MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health, 827-831, 2015
On the Challenges of Automated Testing of Web Vulnerabilities
LF de Lima, MC Horstmann, DN Neto, ARA Grégio, F Silva, LM Peres
2020 IEEE 29th International Conference on Enabling Technologies …, 2020
Aulacast: A Single Board Computer Platform to Support Teaching.
FS Kuss, MA Castilho, LM Peres, F Silva
CSEDU (1), 366-373, 2018
Applying global time Petri net analysis on the embedded software context
LM Peres, LA Künzle, E Todt
Sba: Controle & Automação Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica 22 (6), 610-619, 2011
Query-based metrics for evaluating and comparing document schemas
EM Kuszera, LM Peres, MD Del Fabro
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 530-545, 2020
Aprofundamento da mobilidade tecnológico-educacional por meio de jogos intelectivos como facilitadores da comunicação professor-aluno em redes virtuais de ensino
A Direne, W da Silva, F Silva, L Peres, A Kutzke, D Marczal, G Barros, ...
Anais do Workshop de Desafios da Computação Aplicada à Educação, 20-29, 2012
Path selection strategies in the context of software testing criteria
LM Peres, SR Vergilio, M Jino, JC Maldonado
1st IEEE Latin American Test Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, 222-227, 2000
Protocolo de Mapeamento Sistemático para Busca de Aplicativos de Saude em Repositórios Nao-acadêmicos
LF de Lima, LM Peres
Anais do I Workshop de Práticas de Ciência Aberta para Engenharia de …, 2021
Software Product Quality Evaluation Guide for Electronic Health Record Systems
LF de Lima, CAG Huve, LM Peres
Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 108-113, 2020
A Systematic Literature Mapping of Artificial Intelligence Planning in Software Testing.
LF de Lima, LM Peres, ARA Grégio, F Silva
ICSOFT, 152-159, 2020
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