Eduardo Arevalo
Eduardo Arevalo
Alumno, Universidad de Piura
在 alum.udep.edu.pe 的电子邮件经过验证
Paul Ricoeur y los desplazamientos de la hermenéutica
E Silva Arévalo
Teología y vida 46 (1-2), 167-205, 2005
Synthesis of the SedNet work package 4 outcomes
G Bortone, E Arevalo, I Deibel, HD Detzner, L de Propris, F Elskens, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 4 (4), 225-232, 2004
Production of value added products from separately collected urine
J Behrendt, E Arévalo, H Gulyas, J Niederste-Hollenberg, A Niemiec, ...
Water science and technology 46 (6-7), 341-346, 2002
Studies on electrochemical treatment of wastewater contaminated with organotin compounds
E Arevalo, W Calmano
Journal of hazardous materials 146 (3), 540-545, 2007
TBT-contaminated sediments: treatment in a pilot scale (9 pp)
H Stichnothe, W Calmano, E Arevalo, A Keller, J Thöming
Journal of Soils and Sediments 5, 21-29, 2005
Evaluation of a leaching process coupled with regeneration/recycling of the extractant for treatment of heavy metal contaminated solids
EF Arévalo, H Stichnothe, J Thöming, W Calmano
Environmental technology 23 (5), 571-581, 2002
Sediment and dredged material treatment
G Bortone, E Arevalo, I Deibel, HD Detzner, L de Propris, F Elskens, ...
J Soil Sed 4, 225-232, 2004
Formation of ferric flocks to remove for the removal of Zn and Cu from dockyard wastewater
LM Ottosen, E Arevalo, H Stichnothe, W Calmano
Environmental Chemistry Letters 3, 164-168, 2006
Caracterización de cobertura vegetal y propuesta de una red de conectividad ecológica en el Corredor Biológico Volcánica Central-Talamanca, Costa Rica
E Murrieta Arévalo
CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2006
Assessment of treatment and disposal options
K Hamer, E Arevalo, I Deibel, AL Hakstege
Sustainable Management of Sediment Resources 2, 133-159, 2007
Optimisation of the Operation of an Electrochemical Process To Treat TBT‐contaminated Sediments on a Pilot Scale
E Arevalo, A Keller, H Stichnothe, W Calmano
Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica 32 (6), 401-410, 2004
Treatment and disposal of contaminated dredged sediments
K Hamer, P Hakstege, E Arevalo
Soil and sediment remediation. IWA Publishing, London, UK, 345-369, 2005
Sustainable Solutions to the Sediment Management on the River Basin Scale: The Elbe River Case under specific consideration of risk management and communication aspects, 2nd …
E Arevalo, S Heise
September, 2003
Application of the principles of life-cycle assessment to evaluate contaminated sediment treatment chains.
E Arevalo, R Cesaro, H Stichnothe, AL Hakstege, W Calmano
Sustainable Management of Sediment Resources 2, 160-184, 2007
Auscultar los signos del tiempo presente e la situación latinoamericana: Esbozo de algunos fenómenos a considerar para una interpretación teológica del presente
E Silva Arévalo
Teología y vida 46 (4), 582-614, 2005
Poética del relato y poética teológica: aportes de la hermenéutica filosófica de Paul Ricoeur en Temps et récit para una hermenéutica teológica
EA Silva Arévalo
Anales de la Facultad de Teología/Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2000
La significación teológica de los acontecimientos: el estatuto histórico de la teología según Marie-Dominique Chenu.
EA Silva Arévalo
Católicos: más allá de liberales y conservadores
EAS Arévalo
Mensaje 54 (538), 28-33, 2005
Approach for an integrated assessment and optimisation of waste water treatment and sediment remediation processes
E Arévalo
Shaker, 2006
Juan Callejas Noemi: Theologian Council
E Silva Arevalo
TEOLOGIA Y VIDA 54 (3), 559-566, 2013
文章 1–20