Z.-Y. Liu (Zhi-Yang Liu)
Z.-Y. Liu (Zhi-Yang Liu)
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP)
在 irap.omp.eu 的电子邮件经过验证
ULF waves modulating and acting as mass spectrometer for dayside ionospheric outflow ions
ZY Liu, QG Zong, XZ Zhou, YX Hao, AW Yau, H Zhang, XR Chen, SY Fu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (15), 8633-8642, 2019
Energy modulations of magnetospheric ions induced by foreshock transient‐driven ultralow‐frequency waves
B Wang, H Zhang, Z Liu, T Liu, X Li, V Angelopoulos
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (10), e2021GL093913, 2021
Pitch angle structures of ring current ions induced by evolving poloidal ultra‐low frequency waves
ZY Liu, QG Zong, XZ Zhou, YF Zhu, SJ Gu
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (4), e2020GL087203, 2020
Inner magnetospheric magnetic dips and energetic protons trapped therein: Multi‐spacecraft observations and simulations
ZF Yin, XZ Zhou, QG Zong, ZY Liu, C Yue, Y Xiong, L Xie, YF Wang, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (7), e2021GL092567, 2021
Radial propagation of magnetospheric substorm-injected energetic electrons observed using a BD-IES instrument and Van Allen Probes
QG Zong, YX Hao, H Zou, SY Fu, XZ Zhou, J Ren, LH Wang, CJ Yuan, ...
Science China Earth Sciences 59, 1508-1516, 2016
Simultaneous macroscale and microscale wave–ion interaction in near-earth space plasmas
ZY Liu, QG Zong, R Rankin, H Zhang, YF Wang, XZ Zhou, SY Fu, C Yue, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 5593, 2022
Localized excitation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves from anisotropic protons filtered by magnetic dips
ZF Yin, XZ Zhou, ZJ Hu, C Yue, QG Zong, YX Hao, ZY Liu, XR Chen, L Li, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 (6), e2022JA030531, 2022
Low-frequency whistler waves modulate electrons and generate higher-frequency whistler waves in the solar wind
ST Yao, QQ Shi, QG Zong, AW Degeling, RL Guo, L Li, JX Li, AM Tian, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 923 (2), 216, 2021
Anomalous resonance between low-energy particles and electromagnetic plasma waves
JH Li, ZY Liu, XZ Zhou, L Li, Y Omura, C Yue, QG Zong, ZY Pu, SY Fu, ...
Communications Physics 5 (1), 300, 2022
The radial propagation characteristics of the injection front: A statistical study based on BD‐IES and Van Allen Probes observations
ZY Liu, QG Zong, YX Hao, Y Liu, XR Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (3), 1927-1937, 2018
Electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shock: A statistical study
ZY Liu, QG Zong, YX Hao, XZ Zhou, XH Ma, Y Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (8), 8037-8050, 2017
Understanding electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shocks: Test particle simulations
Y Liu, QG Zong, XZ Zhou, YX Hao, ZY Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (8), 6759-6775, 2019
Ionospheric oxygen outflows directly injected into the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes statistics
ZY Liu, QG Zong
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 (10), e2022JA030611, 2022
Statistics on Jupiter’s current sheet with Juno data: Geometry, magnetic fields and energetic particles
ZY Liu, QG Zong, M Blanc, YX Sun, JT Zhao, YX Hao, BH Mauk
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (11), e2021JA029710, 2021
Off‐equatorial minima effects on ULF wave‐ion interaction in the dayside outer magnetosphere
XY Li, ZY Liu, QG Zong, XZ Zhou, YX Hao, CJ Pollock, CT Russell, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (18), e2021GL095648, 2021
Thermal electron behavior in obliquely propagating whistler waves: MMS observations in the solar wind
ZY Liu, B Wang, QG Zong, ST Yao, CJ Pollock, G Le
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (14), e2021GL094099, 2021
Origin of electron boomerang stripes: Statistical study
XX Zhao, YX Hao, QG Zong, XZ Zhou, C Yue, XR Chen, Y Liu, ZY Liu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (11), e2021GL093377, 2021
Energetic electron detection packages on board Chinese navigation satellites in MEO
Y YuGuang, Z Hong, Z Qiu‐Gang, C HongFei, Z JiQing, S WeiHong, ...
Earth and Planetary Physics 5 (2), 158-179, 2021
Ion behavior at shocklets: A case study of mms observations
ZY Liu, QG Zong, H Zhang, JT Zhao, R Rankin, CJ Pollock, G Le
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (17), e2022GL100449, 2022
Particle-sounding of the spatial structure of kinetic Alfvén waves
ZY Liu, QG Zong, R Rankin, H Zhang, YX Hao, JS He, SY Fu, HH Wu, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2088, 2023
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