RYU, Heungjin
RYU, Heungjin
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
在 kyoto-u.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Why do wild bonobos not use tools like chimpanzees do?
T Furuichi, C Sanz, K Koops, T Sakamaki, H Ryu, N Tokuyama, D Morgan
Behaviour 152 (3-4), 425-460, 2015
Increased Frequency of Intergroup Encounters in Wild Bonobos (Pan paniscus) Around the Yearly Peak in Fruit Abundance at Wamba
T Sakamaki, H Ryu, K Toda, N Tokuyama, T Furuichi
International Journal of Primatology 39, 685-704, 2018
Intergroup Transfer of Females and Social Relationships Between Immigrants and Residents in Bonobo (Pan paniscus) Societies
T Sakamaki, I Behncke, M Laporte, M Mulavwa, H Ryu, H Takemoto, ...
Dispersing primate females: life history and social strategies in male …, 2015
Prolonged maximal sexual swelling in wild bonobos facilitates affiliative interactions between females
H Ryu, DA Hill, T Furuichi
Behaviour 152 (3-4), 285-311, 2015
Androgen receptor and monoamine oxidase polymorphism in wild bonobos
C Garai, T Furuichi, Y Kawamoto, H Ryu, M Inoue-Murayama
Meta gene 2, 831-843, 2014
Physical, behavioral, and hormonal changes in the resumption of sexual receptivity during postpartum infertility in female bonobos at Wamba
C Hashimoto, H Ryu, K Mouri, K Shimizu, T Sakamaki, T Furuichi
Primates 63 (2), 109-121, 2022
Long-sightedness in old wild bonobos during grooming
H Ryu, KE Graham, T Sakamaki, T Furuichi
Current Biology 26 (21), R1131-R1132, 2016
Age and sex differences in juvenile bonobos in party associations with their mothers at Wamba
K Toda, H Ryu, T Furuichi
Primates 62 (1), 19-27, 2021
Do female bonobos (Pan paniscus) disperse at the onset of puberty? Hormonal and behavioral changes related to their dispersal timing
K Toda, K Mouri, H Ryu, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama, T Yokoyama, ...
Hormones and Behavior 142, 105159, 2022
Occurrence and transmission of flu-like illness among neighboring bonobo groups at Wamba
H Ryu, DA Hill, T Sakamaki, C Garai, N Tokuyama, T Furuichi
Primates 61, 775-784, 2020
Responses toward a trapped animal by wild bonobos at Wamba
M Hayashi, G Ohashi, HJ Ryu
Animal cognition 15, 731-735, 2012
Do males know? Evidence-driven rainmaking mating strategy by male bonobos to meet the fertile window of females
H Ryu, C Hashimoto, DA Hill, K Mouri, K Shimizu, T Furuichi
bioRxiv, 2022.03. 13.483391, 2022
Tower construction by the manicure crab Cleistostoma dilatatum during dry periods on an intertidal mudflat
TW Kim, HJ Ryu, JB Choi, JC Choe
Journal of ethology 29, 459-465, 2011
The effects of visitors and social isolation from a peer on the behavior of a mixed-species pair of captive gibbons
S Lee, H Ryu, Y Yi, S Jang, H Gye, A Choi, H Cho, B Lee, JC Choe
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 19706, 2022
Mechanisms and socio-sexual functions of female sexual swelling, and male mating strategies in wild bonobos
H Ryu
Kyoto University, 2017
Urinary creatinine varies with microenvironment and sex in hibernating Greater Horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in Korea
H Ryu, K Kinoshita, S Joo, SS Kim
BMC Ecology and Evolution 21 (1), 77, 2021
The complete mitochondrial genome of the far Eastern myotis: Myotis bombinus Thomas, 1906 in mainland of Korea (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)
B Kim, Y Bae, J Lee, J Park, YS Choi, H Ryu, SS Kim
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6 (2), 615-616, 2021
A Female Bonobo Sleeping on the Ground after Daytime Birth and its Implications
H Ryu
Pan Africa News 24 (2), 9-13, 2017
An Infant Bonobo Mimicked a Handicapped Motor Action of a Disabled Individual at Wamba in the Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo
K Toda, H Ryu, M Hayashi, T Furuichi
Pan Africa News 23 (1), 3-5, 2016
Increased urinary creatinine during hibernation and day roosting in the Eastern bent-winged bat (Miniopterus fuliginosus) in Korea
H Ryu, K Kinoshita, S Joo, YS Choi, SS Kim
Communications Biology 7 (1), 42, 2024
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