Efektivitas pelatihan asertivitas untuk meningkatkan perilaku asertif siswa korban bullying AR Azis Jurnal Konseling Dan Pendidikan 3 (2), 8-14, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Water turbidity impact on discharge decrease of groundwater recharge in recharge reservoir A Azis, H Yusuf, Z Faisal, M Suradi Procedia Engineering 125, 199-206, 2015 | 38 | 2015 |
Keefektifan layanan informasi berbasis instagram untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa AR Azis, PA Salam Bimbingan Dan Konseling 1 (3), 183-191, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Konservasi air tanah melalui pembuatan sumur resapan air hujan di Kelurahan Maradekaya Kota Makassar A Azis, H Yusuf, Z Faisal INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian 3 (2), 87-90, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Digital leadership in facing challenges in the era industrial revolution 4.0 H Pasolong, S Setini Webology 1, 975-990, 2021 | 19* | 2021 |
Deformation Analysis Of Rigid Pavement With Subgrade Of Dredged Sediment Stabilised By Cement SB H.Yusuf, A.Azis ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied 10 (4), 1590-1594, 2015 | 16* | 2015 |
Numerical model on the application of sand columns in recharge reservoir A Azis, S Badaruddin, Z Faisal, MT Iqbal, HA Hasanuddin Groundwater for sustainable development 8, 368-372, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Physical modeling of sand columns application in recharge reservoir to prevent seawater intrusion H Yusuf, A Azis, S Badaruddin, AMS Saiby, Z Faisal, Z Saing Water Supply 22 (2), 2170-2178, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
GC-MS and Antioxidant Capacity Analysis in Propanol Extract of Carthamus Tinctorious L I Sri, Y Muhammad, R Riskayanti, A Nur, L Mahyati, S Rahmiah, ... INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian 8 (1), 67-73, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Utilization of waste seaweed through pretreatment with liquid hot water method and simultaneous fermentation using Bacteria Clostridium thermocellum OSR Pasanda, A Azis, HS Kusuma J. Mater. Environ. Sci 7 (7), 2526-2533, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Analisis Faktor Penyebab Risiko Pembengkakan Biaya Pada Proyek Konstruksi Terhadap Kontraktor Pada Penggunaan Kontrak Lumpsum Dan Unit Price Di Kota Makassar Menggunakan Metode … RA Agus, DK Octaviani, A Azis, B Bustan Journal of Applied Civil and Environmental Engineering 2 (1), 37-50, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Kopigmentasi antosianin dan polifenol dari ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) menggunakan Na-kaseinat UA Nur Fitriani, Y Muhammad, I Sri, L Mahyati, R Akhmad Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan 5 (2), 2760-2771, 2020 | 5* | 2020 |
Performance analysis of sand columns in recharge reservoir A Azis International journal of Engineering and Technology 4 (7), 577-581, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Optimal design PSS-PID control on single machine infinite bus using ANT COLONY optimization K Nasrun, RD Muhammad Sinergi 25 (2), 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
A Novelty of Sand Column Coefficient from Physical Modeling and Calculation A Azis International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 9 (15), 2995 - 3007, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
The Comparison between the research and Calculation results to the amount of ground water Debit in recharge reservoir using sand A Azis Int. J. Eng. Technol 3 (8), 773-776, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Penalaan Optimal Kontroler PSS-PID Pada Sistem Single Machine Infinite Bus Menggunakan Ant Colony Optimization RD Muhammad, K Nasrun Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 10 (1), 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Spatial Analysis Study on the Flood Impact of Walanae Cenranae River Area in Soppeng Regency South Sulawesi Province F Zulvyah, A Akhmad, MS Andi, B Sugiarto, P Devi Ayu INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian 7 (1), 39-44, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Efek Penurunan Muka Air Tanah Terhadap Intrusi Air Laut di Kabupaten Jeneponto S Badaruddin, A Azis, I Mutiara Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M) 4 …, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Aplikasi metode analitis dan pemodelan numerik untuk prediksi intrusi air laut di Kabupaten Jeneponto S Badaruddin, A Azis, I Mutiara Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M) 3 (1), 2018 | 3 | 2018 |