Lars Chr. Monkerud
Lars Chr. Monkerud
Forsker I, NIBR, OsloMet
在 oslomet.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Birthweight and placental weight; do changes in culture media used for IVF matter? Comparisons with spontaneous pregnancies in the corresponding time periods
A Eskild, L Monkerud, T Tanbo
Human reproduction 28 (12), 3207-3214, 2013
Do parties matter for local revenue policies? A comparison of Denmark and Norway
J Blom‐Hansen, LC Monkerud, R Sørensen
European Journal of Political Research 45 (3), 445-465, 2006
The prevalence of pre‐eclampsia in migrant relative to native Norwegian women: a population‐based study
Z Naimy, J Grytten, L Monkerud, A Eskild
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 122 (6), 859-865, 2015
Smått og godt? Kommunestørrelse, ressurser og tilfredshet med det kommunale tjenestetilbudet
LC Monkerud, RJ Sørensen
Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 26 (4), 265-295, 2011
Perinatal mortality in non-western migrants in Norway as compared to their countries of birth and to Norwegian women
Z Naimy, J Grytten, L Monkerud, A Eskild
BMC public health 13, 1-8, 2013
Regionalization and local hospital closure in Norwegian maternity care—the effect on neonatal and infant mortality
J Grytten, L Monkerud, I Skau, R Sørensen
Health services research 49 (4), 1184-1204, 2014
Kommunal organisering 2016
L Monkerud, M Indset, S Stokstad, JE Klausen
Oslo: By-og regionforskningsinstituttet NIBR, 2016
På vei mot en integrert velferdsforvaltning?
TA Andreassen, I Drange, T Thune, L Monkerud
Oslo: Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet., 2007
The effects of the Norwegian Coordination Reform on the use of rehabilitation services: panel data analyses of service use, 2010 to 2013
LC Monkerud, T Tjerbo
BMC health services research 16, 1-13, 2016
The impact of hospital revenue on the increase in Caesarean sections in Norway. A panel data analysis of hospitals 1976-2005
J Grytten, L Monkerud, TP Hagen, R Sørensen, A Eskild, I Skau
BMC health services research 11, 1-10, 2011
Det lokale NAV-kontoret: Hvilke løsninger velges?
LC Monkerud
Handelshøyskolen BI, 2008
Bolig og folkehelse–hva er sammenhengen
MK Helgesen, A Holm, L Monkerud, L Schmidt
En litteraturstudie. NIBR-rapport 16, 2014
Adoption of diagnostic technology and variation in caesarean section rates: a test of the practice style hypothesis in Norway
J Grytten, L Monkerud, R Sørensen
Health services research 47 (6), 2169-2189, 2012
Saving newborn babies–the benefits of interventions in neonatal care in Norway over more than 40 years
J Grytten, L Monkerud, I Skau, A Eskild, RJ Sørensen, OD Saugstad
Health Economics 26 (3), 352-370, 2017
Hva er god startlånspraksis? Kommunenes praksis før forskriftsendringen
KC Astrup, LC Monkerud, ME Ruud, R Barlindhaug, K Aarland
NIBR-rapport, 2014
Omfanget av vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet
L Monkerud, K Astrup, V Nordvik
Oslo: By-og regionforskningsinstituttet NIBROsloMet–storbyuniversitetet, 2018
Kommunenes praktisering av startlånsordningen–effekter av den nye forskriften
KC Astrup, LC Monkerud, ME Ruud, K Aarland
NIBR-rapport, 2015
Childbirth or termination of pregnancy: does paid employment matter? A population study of women in reproductive age in Norway
A Eskild, IE Herdlevær, EM Strøm‐Roum, L Monkerud, J Grytten
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 95 (5), 513-518, 2016
Hva er god startlånpraksis?
K Astrup, R Barlindhaug, K Aarland, L Monkerud, ME Ruud
Oslo: Norsk institutt for by-og regionforskning, 2015
Adoption of environmental management systems and standards in Norwegian education and nursing
LC Monkerud, B Ytterhus
Baltic Journal of Management 8 (2), 124-141, 2013
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