Jörg-Olaf Wolff
The Hamburg ocean primitive equation model HOPE
JO Wolff, E Maier-Reimer, S Legutke
deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, 1997
The dynamical balance, transport and circulation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
D Olbers, D Borowski, C Völker, JO Wölff
Antarctic science 16 (4), 439-470, 2004
Wind-driven flow over topography in a zonal β-plane channel: A quasi-geostrophic model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
JO Wolff, E Maier-Reimer, DJ Olbers
Journal of physical oceanography 21 (2), 236-264, 1991
On the circulation in the East Frisian Wadden Sea: numerical modeling and data analysis
EV Stanev, JO Wolff, H Burchard, K Bolding, G Flöser
Ocean Dynamics 53, 27-51, 2003
Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in the German Bight. A focus on observations and numerical modelling in the East Frisian Wadden Sea
J Staneva, EV Stanev, JO Wolff, TH Badewien, R Reuter, B Flemming, ...
Continental Shelf Research 29 (1), 302-319, 2009
Climatology and variability in the ECHO coupled GCM
M Latif, T Stockdale, J Wolff, G Burgers, E Maier‐Reimer, MM Junge, ...
Tellus A 46 (4), 351-366, 1994
On the sensitivity of Southern Ocean sea ice to the surface freshwater flux: A model study
SJ Marsland, JO Wolff
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C2), 2723-2741, 2001
Forecasting offshore wind speeds above the North Sea
J Tambke, M Lange, U Focken, JO Wolff, JAT Bye
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2005
Modeling the impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea)
KA Lettmann, JO Wolff, TH Badewien
Ocean Dynamics 59, 239-262, 2009
Sediment dynamics in tidally dominated environments controlled by transport and turbulence: a case study for the East Frisian Wadden Sea
EV Stanev, G Brink‐Spalink, JO Wolff
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 112 (C4), 2007
Distribution and trajectories of floating and benthic marine macrolitter in the south-eastern North Sea
L Gutow, M Ricker, JM Holstein, J Dannheim, EV Stanev, JO Wolff
Marine pollution bulletin 131, 763-772, 2018
Copernicus marine service ocean state report, issue 4
K von Schuckmann, PY Le Traon, N Smith, A Pascual, S Djavidnia, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 13 (sup1), S1-S172, 2020
First-and higher-order dynamical controls on water exchanges between tidal basins and the open ocean. A case study for the East Frisian Wadden Sea
EV Stanev, G Flöser, JO Wolff
Ocean Dynamics 53, 146-165, 2003
A state-of-the-art compact surface drifter reveals pathways of floating marine litter in the German bight
J Meyerjürgens, TH Badewien, SP Garaba, JO Wolff, O Zielinski
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 58, 2019
Extreme westward surface drift in the North Sea: Public reports of stranded drifters and Lagrangian tracking
EV Stanev, TH Badewien, H Freund, S Grayek, F Hahner, J Meyerjürgens, ...
Continental Shelf Research 177, 24-32, 2019
Distribution and characteristics of marine habitats in a subpolar bay based on hydroacoustics and bed shear stress estimates—Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica
AC Wölfl, CH Lim, HC Hass, S Lindhorst, G Tosonotto, KA Lettmann, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 34, 435-446, 2014
Assessing water renewal time scales for marine environments from three-dimensional modelling: A case study for Hervey Bay, Australia
J Ribbe, JO Wolff, J Staneva, U Gräwe
Environmental modelling & software 23 (10-11), 1217-1228, 2008
Some sensitivities of a coupled ocean‐atmosphere GCM
T Stockdale, M Latif, G Burgers, JO Wolff
Tellus A 46 (4), 367-380, 1994
Vertical circulation in shallow tidal inlets and back-barrier basins
EV Stanev, BW Flemming, A Bartholomä, JV Staneva, JO Wolff
Continental Shelf Research 27 (6), 798-831, 2007
Estimation of biogeochemical rates from concentration profiles: A novel inverse method
KA Lettmann, N Riedinger, R Ramlau, N Knab, ME Böttcher, A Khalili, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 100, 26-37, 2012
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