Mariea Grubbs Hoy
Mariea Grubbs Hoy
Professor of Advertising, University of Tennessee
在 utk.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Dimensions of privacy concern among online consumers
KB Sheehan, MG Hoy
Journal of public policy & marketing 19 (1), 62-73, 2000
Gender differences in privacy-related measures for young adult Facebook users
MG Hoy, G Milne
Journal of interactive advertising 10 (2), 28-45, 2010
# Sponsored# Ad: Agency perspective on influencer marketing campaigns
CC Childers, LL Lemon, MG Hoy
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 40 (3), 258-274, 2019
Using e-mail to survey Internet users in the United States: Methodology and assessment
KB Sheehan, MG Hoy
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 4 (3), JCMC435, 1999
Flaming, complaining, abstaining: How online users respond to privacy concerns
KB Sheehan, MG Hoy
Journal of advertising 28 (3), 37-51, 1999
The Aad‐Ab‐PI relationship in children: The impact of brand familiarity and measurement timing
JE Phelps, MG Hoy
Psychology & marketing 13 (1), 77-105, 1996
How French advertising professionals develop creative strategy
RE Taylor, MG Hoy, E Haley
Journal of Advertising 25 (1), 1-14, 1996
Smart devices, smart decisions? Implications of parents’ sharenting for children’s online privacy: An investigation of mothers
AK Fox, MG Hoy
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 38 (4), 414-432, 2019
Measuring sponsorship transparency in the age of native advertising
BW Wojdynski, NJ Evans, MG Hoy
Journal of Consumer Affairs 52 (1), 115-137, 2018
Parenting “YouTube natives”: The impact of pre-roll advertising and text disclosures on parental responses to sponsored child influencer videos
NJ Evans, MG Hoy, CC Childers
Journal of Advertising 47 (4), 326-346, 2018
How sponsorship transparency mitigates negative effects of advertising recognition
NJ Evans, BW Wojdynski, M Grubbs Hoy
International Journal of Advertising 38 (3), 364-382, 2019
Adherence of prime-time televised advertising disclosures to the “clear and conspicuous” standard: 1990 versus 2002
MG Hoy, JC Andrews
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 23 (2), 170-182, 2004
A multifaceted tool for a complex phenomenon: Coding web-based interactivity as technologies for interaction evolve
SJ McMillan, MG Hoy, J Kim, C McMahan
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13 (4), 794-826, 2008
Coddling our kids: Can parenting style affect attitudes toward advergames?
NJ Evans, L Carlson, M Grubbs Hoy
Journal of Advertising 42 (2-3), 228-240, 2013
Parents' presumed persuasion knowledge of children's advergames: The influence of advertising disclosure modality and cognitive load
NJ Evans, MG Hoy
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 37 (2), 146-164, 2016
Structural characteristics of televised advertising disclosures: A comparison with the FTC clear and conspicuous standard
MG Hoy, MJ Stankey
Journal of Advertising 22 (2), 47-58, 1993
Consumer privacy and security protection on church web sites: Reasons for concern
MG Hoy, J Phelps
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 22 (1), 58-70, 2003
E-mail surveys: response patterns, process and potential
KB Sheehan, MG Hoy
Proceedings of the conference-American Academy of Advertising, 231-231, 1997
Animated host-selling advertisements: Their impact on young children's recognition, attitudes, and behavior
MG Hoy, CE Young, JC Mowen
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 5 (1), 171-184, 1986
A nation under the influence: the creative strategy process for advertising in Thailand
C Punyapiroje, M Morrison, MG Hoy
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 24 (2), 51-65, 2002
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