dr. sc. Zvonimir Užarević
dr. sc. Zvonimir Užarević
Izvanredni profesor, Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera
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Combination of cyclopamine and tamoxifen promotes survival and migration of mcf-7 breast cancer cells–interaction of Hedgehog-Gli and estrogen receptor signaling pathways
M Sabol, D Trnski, Z Uzarevic, P Ozretic, V Musani, M Rafaj, M Cindric, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e114510, 2014
Prevalence of molar–incisor hypomineralization and caries in eight-year-old children in Croatia
D Jurlina, Z Uzarevic, Z Ivanisevic, N Matijevic, M Matijevic
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (17), 6358, 2020
The influence of surgical experience, type of instructions given to patients and patient sex on postoperative pain intensity following lower wisdom tooth surgery
M Matijević, Z Uzarević, V Gvozdić, VM Mikelić, D Leović, D Macan
Acta Clin Croat 52 (1), 23-28, 2013
Chlorophylls and carotenoids in needles of damaged fir (Abies alba Mill.) from Risnjak National Park in Croatia
T Bacic, Z Uzarevic, L Grgic, J Rosa, Z Popovic
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, Series Botanica 45 (2), 87-92, 2003
Oral health-related quality of life among Croatian university students
Z Uzarevic, A Bulj
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (12), 6483, 2021
Determining the quality of life after removing of impacted lower wisdom tooth using the principal component analysis method
M Matijević, Z Užarević, Z Ivanišević, V Gvozdić, D Leović, B Popić, ...
Collegium antropologicum 38 (2), 691-699, 2014
Zastupljenost ekoloških tema u udžbenicima predmeta Priroda i društvo u Republici Hrvatskoj i Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine.
D Novoselić, I Bogut, Z Užarević
Journal for Pedagogical & Educational Matters/Školski Vjesnik 62 (1), 2013
Physiology and biochemistry of leaf bleaching in prematurely aging maple (Acer saccharinum L.) trees: I. Hydrogen peroxide level, antioxidative responses and photosynthetic …
Z Užarević, I Štolfa, N Parađiković, V Cesar, H Lepeduš
Acta Botanica Croatica 70 (2.), 121-132, 2011
Knowledge on Pre-Hospital Emergency Management of Tooth Avulsion among Croatian Students of the Faculty of Education
Z Uzarevic, Z Ivanisevic, M Karl, M Tukara, D Karl, M Matijevic
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (19), 7159, 2020
Does body mass index and position of impacted lower third molar affect the postoperative pain intensity?
M Matijevic, Z Uzarevic, V Gvozdic, D Leovic, Z Ivanisevic, ...
Collegium antropologicum 36 (4), 1279-1285, 2012
Physiology and biochemistry of leaf bleaching in prematurely aging maple (Acer saccharinum L.) trees. II. Functional and molecular adjustment of PSII.
H Lepeduš, L Begović, S Mlinarić, D Šimić, I Štolfa, N Parađiković, ...
Acta Botanica Croatica 70 (2.), 133-146, 2011
TEM investigation of tannins and chloroplast structure in needles of damaged silver fir trees (Abies alba Mill.).
T Bačić, N Ljubešić, Z Užarević, L Grgić, J Roša
Self-Evaluated ADHD Symptoms as Risk Adaptation Factors in Elementary School Children
T Velki, Z Užarević, S Dubovicki
Društvena istraživanja 28 (3), 503-522, 2019
Preliminary report on epicuticular wax structure in Black pine needles affected by SO2 emitted from thermal power plant Plomin (Croatia).
V Cesar, Z Užarević, N Potočić, I Seletković, H Lepeduš
Factors affecting outcome in the treatment of glioblastoma
N Koruga, T Pekmezović, I Tomaš, A Soldo Koruga, S Butković Soldo, ...
Acta clinica Croatica 60 (3.), 373-378, 2021
The Hh-Gli signaling pathway activity in estrogen dependent (MCF-7) and estrogen independent (Sk-Br-3) breast cancer cell lines
Z Uzarevic
PhD Thesis University JJ Strosmayer Osijek, Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb …, 2011
TEM investigation of tannins and chloroplast structure in needles of damaged silver fir trees (Abies alba Mill.)
T Bacic, N Ljubesic, Z Uzarevic, L Grgic, J Rosa
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica 46, 145-149, 2004
Utjecaj staništa na anatomsku građu lista hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.) u pokusnim nasadima Koška i Vrbanja
Ž Škvorc, M Prugovečki, Z Užarević, S Bogdan, M Ivanković, K Sever, ...
Radovi 46 (1), 1-12, 2018
Poznavanje divljači nizinskoga zavičaja kod djece mlađe školske dobi.
I Jurčević Agić, I Bogut, Z Užarević, M Radić, Ž Popović
4. simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Kopački rit jučer, danas, sutra …, 2015
Kvaliteta života nakon kirurškog odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka
M Matijević, Z Užarević, Z Ivanišević, D Leović, D Macan
X. kongres Hrvatskoga društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i …, 2013
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