Raphael Lima Saraiva
Raphael Lima Saraiva
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A blockchain-based customizable document registration service for third parties
P Soares, R Saraiva, I Fernandes, A Neto, J Souza
2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 1-2, 2022
Human resource allocation in agile software projects based on task similarities
L Roque, AA Araújo, A Dantas, R Saraiva, J Souza
Search Based Software Engineering: 8th International Symposium, SSBSE 2016 …, 2016
Adoption of software testing in internet of things: A systematic literature mapping
M Cortés, R Saraiva, M Souza, P Mello, P Soares
Proceedings of the IV Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated …, 2019
Miriam: A blockchain-based web application for managing professional registrations of medical doctors in brazil
R Saraiva, AA Araújo, P Soares, J Souza
2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 1-2, 2021
Incorporating decision maker’s preferences in a multi-objective approach for the software release planning
R Saraiva, AA Araújo, A Dantas, I Yeltsin, J Souza
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 23, 1-19, 2017
A multi-objective approach to prioritize and recommend bugs in open source repositories
D Dreyton, AA Araújo, A Dantas, R Saraiva, J Souza
Search Based Software Engineering: 8th International Symposium, SSBSE 2016 …, 2016
Análise descritiva dos microdados do Censo da Educação Superior do INEP para cursos de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação no Brasil-Um panorama 2015-2021
R Saraiva, P Soares, AA Araújo, J Souza
Anais do XXXI Workshop sobre Educação em Computação, 443-453, 2023
A preliminary systematic mapping study of human competitiveness of SBSE
J Souza, AA Araújo, R Saraiva, P Soares, C Maia
Search-Based Software Engineering: 10th International Symposium, SSBSE 2018 …, 2018
Docstone: A blockchain-based architecture for a customizable document registration service
P Soares, R Saraiva, I Fernandes, J Souza, R Loiola
Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components …, 2022
Escalabilidade no contexto de prontuário eletrônico do paciente baseado em blockchain: Um estudo experimental sobre armazenamento off-chain
P Soares, AA Araújo, R Saraiva, J Souza
Anais do III Workshop em Modelagem e Simulação de Sistemas Intensivos em …, 2021
Cryptoeconomics as a market shaping phenomenon upon business model innovation: a systematic literature review
AA Araújo, P Soares, R Saraiva, S Câmara, J Souza
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 33 (4), 548-575, 2024
Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente baseado em blockchain: Um Desenho de Pesquisa Sociotécnico
P Soares, AA Araújo, R Saraiva, R Santos, J Souza
Anais Estendidos do XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, 13-18, 2021
On the placebo effect in interactive sbse: A preliminary study
J Souza, AA Araújo, I Yeltsin, R Saraiva, P Soares
Search-Based Software Engineering: 10th International Symposium, SSBSE 2018 …, 2018
Uma Abordagem Multiobjetivo baseada em Otimização Interativa para o Planejamento de Releases
R Saraiva, AA Araújo, A Dantas, J Souza
VII Workshop em Engenharia de Software Baseada em Busca. CBSoft, Maringá, 2016
As vantagens e eficácia da cirurgia robótica no tratamento de hérnias abdominais recidivas
IM da Silva Pequeno, MTC de Albuquerque, JDB de Faria, ...
Extending the Docstone to Enable a Blockchain-based Service for Customizable Assets and Blockchain Types
P Soares, R Saraiva, I Fernandes, AA Araújo, J Souza, R Loiola
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 11 (1), 15: 1-15: 19, 2023
Uma proposta de integração de sistemas da Secretaria do Patrimônio da União ao blockchain para incentivo à transparência de processos: resultados de uma pesquisa em andamento
I Fernandes, P Soares, R Saraiva, B Vicente, A Serta, R Loiola, A Araújo, ...
Anais do XI Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico, 220-227, 2023
Towards a blockchain-based API to ensure data interoperability and transparency in the registration and inspection processes of Brazilian water dams
A Jefferson Macedo, A Allex Araújo, R Saraiva, P Soares, AEB Tomaz, ...
Proceedings of the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 86-93, 2023
Dominating the Wild: How Have Companies Been Leveraging Cryptoeconomics to Shape Markets Through Business Model Innovation?
AA Araújo, P Soares, R Saraiva, S Câmara, J Souza
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 20 (02), 2350009, 2023
Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente baseado em Blockchain: Uma Análise das Potencialidades e Desafios à Luz dos Requisitos da SBIS e LGPD
P Soares, AA Araújo, R Saraiva, J Souza, G Sousa, L Duarte
Anais Estendidos do XII Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática …, 2021
文章 1–20