Mark Chaffey
Mark Chaffey
Electrical Engineer, MBARI
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Powerful turbidity currents driven by dense basal layers
CK Paull, PJ Talling, KL Maier, D Parsons, J Xu, DW Caress, R Gwiazda, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4114, 2018
Communications and power to the seafloor: MBARI's ocean observing system mooring concept
M Chaffey, E Mellinger, W Paul
MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001. An Ocean Odyssey. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No …, 2001
MBARI's buoy based seafloor observatory design
M Chaffey, L Bird, J Erickson, J Graybeal, A Hamilton, K Headley, ...
Oceans' 04 MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean'04 (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37600) 4, 1975-1984, 2004
Automating MBARI's midwater time-series video surveys: The transition from ROV to AUV
KR Reisenbichler, MR Chaffey, F Cazenave, RS McEwen, RG Henthorn, ...
OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, 1-9, 2016
Communications relay and autonomous tracking applications for Wave Glider
TC O'Reilly, B Kieft, M Chaffey
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-6, 2015
Dynamic modeling and actual performance of the MOOS test mooring
A Hamilton, M Chaffey, E Mellinger, J Erickson, L McBride
Oceans 2003. Celebrating the Past... Teaming Toward the Future (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
The use of snubbers as strain limiters in ocean moorings
W Paul, M Chaffey, A Hamilton, S Boduch
Proceedings of OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, 2722-2729, 2005
Use of an electro-optical-mechanical mooring cable for oceanographic buoys: Modeling and validation
A Hamilton, M Chaffey
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 41960 …, 2005
Distributed data and computing system on an ROV designed for ocean science
MR Chaffey, A Pearce, R Herlien
Proceedings of OCEANS'93, III/264-III/268 vol. 3, 1993
Software infrastructure and applications for the Monterey Ocean Observing System: design and implementation
TC O'Reilly, KL Headley, RA Herlien, M Risi, D Davis, DR Edgington, ...
Oceans' 04 MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean'04 (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37600) 4, 1985-1994, 2004
Deepwater mooring designs for ocean observatory science
D Frye, A Hamilton, M Grosenbaugh, W Paul, M Chaffey
Marine Technology Society Journal 38 (2), 7-20, 2004
Distributed multiplexers for an ROV control and data system
E Mellinger, A Pearce, M Chaffey
Proceedings of OCEANS'94 1, I/584-I/589 vol. 1, 1994
ROV (Suijin)
B Morrison, A Maillet, M Brown, L Holloway, J Moss, L Holloway, D Howse, ...
Marine Technology Society Journal 43 (3), 98-109, 2009
Satellite link management for an ocean observing network
T O'reilly, RA Herlien, K Headley, B Kieft, M Chaffey, KA Salamy
OCEANS 2007, 1-9, 2007
Electrical and electro-optical mooring links for buoy based ocean observatories
W Paul, D Bentley, M Chaffey, D Frye
2003 International Conference Physics and Control. Proceedings (Cat. No …, 2003
Establishing a benthic cabled observatory with ROV based cable deployment
LE Bird, D Graves, G Massion, M Chaffey, A Hamilton, R Keaten
OCEANS 2006, 1-6, 2006
Rock coring technology on the Juan de Fuca” plate with the MBARI ROV Tiburon
KA Salamy, M Chaffey, J Erickson, D Au, TC OReilly, D Stakes
Oceanology International, http://www. mbari. org/staff/salamy/Presentations …, 2001
Medusa: the design and development of a TCP/IP communications nexus for the MOOS Portable Ocean Observatory Program
T Meese, W Radochonski, M Chaffey
Proceedings of OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, 1374-1379, 2005
Ship to ROV telemetry for Tiburon
MR Chaffey
OCEANS 96 MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings. The Coastal Ocean-Prospects for …, 1996
MBARI'S New ROV For Ocean Science Support
JB Newman, MR Chaffey
Proceedings ROV 91, 1991
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