Namik Rashydov + Namik Rashidov + Namik M. Rashydov+Намик Рашидов+NM Rashydov+Намік Рашидов
Namik Rashydov + Namik Rashidov + Namik M. Rashydov+Намик Рашидов+NM Rashydov+Намік Рашидов
Institute Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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Proteomic analysis of mature soybean seeds from the Chernobyl area suggests plant adaptation to the contaminated environment
M Danchenko, L Skultety, NM Rashydov, VV Berezhna, L Mátel, T Salaj, ...
Journal of Proteome Research 8 (6), 2915-2922, 2009
DNA damage, repair monitoring and epigenetic DNA methylation changes in seedlings of Chernobyl soybeans
M Georgieva, NM Rashydov, M Hajduch
DNA repair 50, 14-21, 2017
Proteomics analysis of flax grown in Chernobyl area suggests limited effect of contaminated environment on seed proteome
K Klubicova, M Danchenko, L Skultety, JA Miernyk, NM Rashydov, ...
Environmental science & technology 44 (18), 6940-6946, 2010
Soybeans grown in the Chernobyl area produce fertile seeds that have increased heavy metal resistance and modified carbon metabolism
K Klubicova, M Danchenko, L Skultety, VV Berezhna, L Uvackova, ...
PLoS One 7 (10), e48169, 2012
Do cupins have a function beyond being seed storage proteins?
D Gábrišová, K Klubicová, M Danchenko, D Gömöry, VV Berezhna, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 1215, 2016
Radiobiological characterization environment around object «Shelter»
N Rashydov, O Kliuchnikov, O Seniuk, L Gorovyy, A Zhidkov, V Ribalka, ...
Chapter 7 in Nuclear Power Plant, 231-279, 2012
Agricultural recovery of a formerly radioactive area: II. Systematic proteomic characterization of flax seed development in the remediated Chernobyl area
K Klubicová, M Danchenko, L Skultety, VV Berezhna, A Hricová, ...
Journal of proteomics 74 (8), 1378-1384, 2011
Agricultural recovery of a formerly radioactive area: I. Establishment of high-resolution quantitative protein map of mature flax seeds harvested from the remediated Chernobyl area
K Klubicová, M Berčák, M Danchenko, L Skultety, NM Rashydov, ...
Phytochemistry 72 (10), 1308-1315, 2011
Differential expression of flowering genes in Arabidopsis thaliana under chronic and acute ionizing radiation
MV Kryvokhyzha, KV Krutovsky, NM Rashydov
International journal of radiation biology 95 (5), 626-634, 2019
Radioactive Chernobyl environment has produced high-oil flax seeds that show proteome alterations related to carbon metabolism during seed development
K Klubicova, M Danchenko, L Skultety, VV Berezhna, NM Rashydov, ...
Journal of proteome research 12 (11), 4799-4806, 2013
Systems biology is an efficient tool for investigation of low-dose chronic irradiation influence on plants in the Chernobyl zone
M Danchenko, K Klubicova, MV Krivohizha, VV Berezhna, VI Sakada, ...
Cytology and genetics 50, 400-414, 2016
Seeds in Chernobyl: the database on proteome response on radioactive environment
K Klubicová, M Vesel, NM Rashydov, M Hajduch
Frontiers in plant science 3, 231, 2012
Клькість аберацій на аберантну клітину як параметр хромосомної нестабільності. 2. Порівняльний аналіз впливу факторів різної природи
НК Куцоконь, ЛМ Лазаренко, ВФ Безруков, НМ Рашидов, ...
Cytology and Genetics 38 (1), 55-62, 2004
Chernobyl seed project. Advances in the identification of differentially abundant proteins in a radio-contaminated environment
NM Rashydov, M Hajduch
Frontiers in plant science 6, 493, 2015
The transcriptional response of Arabidopsis thaliana L. genes AtKu70, AtRAD51 and AtRad1 to X-ray radiation
S Litvinov, N Rashydov
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 7, 52-60, 2017
Advancing protocols for poplars in vitro propagation, regeneration and selection of transformants
N Kutsokon, J Libantova, V Rudas, N Rashydov, D Grodzinsky, ...
Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences 2 (special issue 2 …, 2013
Features of the Proline Synthesis of Pea Seedlings in Depend of Salt and Hyperthermia Treatment Coupled with Ionizing Radiation
NR Olena Nesterenko
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 5(2), 94-108. 5 (2), 94-108, 2018
Радіобіологічні ефекти хронічного опромінення рослин у зоні впливу Чорнобильської катастрофи
ДМ Гродзинський, МІ Гуща, ОП Дмитрієв, ОД Коломієць, ОА Кравець, ...
К.: Наукова думка, 2008
Soybean recovery from stress imposed by multigenerational growth in contaminated Chernobyl environment.
M Pernis, M., Skultety, L., Shevchenko, V., Klubicova, K., Rashydov, N ...
J. Plant Physiol. 10 (6), 1-11, 2020
Soybean recovery from stress imposed by multigenerational growth in contaminated Chernobyl environment.
M Pernis, M., Skultety, L., Shevchenko, V., Klubicova, K., Rashydov, N ...
J. Plant Physiol. Available online 10 June 2020., 8, 2020
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