Team cohesion and team success in sport AV Carron, SR Bray, MA Eys Journal of sports sciences 20 (2), 119-126, 2002 | 741 | 2002 |
Transition to university and vigorous physical activity: Implications for health and psychological well-being SR Bray, HA Born Journal of American College Health 52 (4), 181-188, 2004 | 714 | 2004 |
Gender, perceived competence and the enjoyment of physical education in children: a longitudinal examination J Cairney, MYW Kwan, S Velduizen, J Hay, SR Bray, BE Faught International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9, 1-8, 2012 | 445 | 2012 |
The home advantage in sport competitions: Courneya and Carron's (1992) conceptual framework a decade later AV Carron, TM Loughhead, SR Bray Journal of sports sciences 23 (4), 395-407, 2005 | 423 | 2005 |
Development and validation of the sport emotion questionnaire MV Jones, AM Lane, SR Bray, M Uphill, J Catlin Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 27 (4), 407-431, 2005 | 421 | 2005 |
Understanding self-controlled motor learning protocols through the self-determination theory EA Sanli, JT Patterson, SR Bray, TD Lee Frontiers in psychology 3, 33432, 2013 | 353 | 2013 |
Development of a cohesion questionnaire for youth: The Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire M Eys, T Loughead, SR Bray, AV Carron Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 31 (3), 390-408, 2009 | 324 | 2009 |
Leisure time physical activity in a population-based sample of people with spinal cord injury part I: demographic and injury-related correlates KAM Ginis, AE Latimer, KP Arbour-Nicitopoulos, AC Buchholz, SR Bray, ... Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 91 (5), 722-728, 2010 | 319 | 2010 |
Role ambiguity, role efficacy, and role performance: Multidimensional and mediational relationships within interdependent sport teams. MR Beauchamp, SR Bray, MA Eys, AV Carron Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 6 (3), 229, 2002 | 312 | 2002 |
Behavior change and the freshman 15: tracking physical activity and dietary patterns in 1st-year university women ME Jung, SR Bray, KAM Ginis Journal of American College Health 56 (5), 523-530, 2008 | 267 | 2008 |
Pre-competition imagery, self-efficacy and performance in collegiate golfers MR Beauchamp, SR Bray, JG Albinson Journal of Sports Sciences 20 (9), 697-705, 2002 | 264 | 2002 |
An ecologically based examination of barriers to physical activity in students from grade seven through first-year university NC Gyurcsik, KS Spink, SR Bray, K Chad, M Kwan Journal of adolescent Health 38 (6), 704-711, 2006 | 248 | 2006 |
Effects of self‐regulatory strength depletion on muscular performance and EMG activation SR Bray, KA Martin Ginis, AL Hicks, J Woodgate Psychophysiology 45 (2), 337-343, 2008 | 245 | 2008 |
Role efficacy, role clarity, and role performance effectiveness SR Bray, LR Brawley Small group research 33 (2), 233-253, 2002 | 244 | 2002 |
Coping with barriers to vigorous physical activity during transition to university NC Gyurcsik, SR Bray, DR Brittain Family & Community Health 27 (2), 130-142, 2004 | 237 | 2004 |
Item wording and internal consistency of a measure of cohesion: The Group Environment Questionnaire MA Eys, AV Carron, SR Bray, LR Brawley Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 29 (3), 395-402, 2007 | 203 | 2007 |
Greater daily leisure time physical activity is associated with lower chronic disease risk in adults with spinal cord injury AC Buchholz, KA Martin Ginis, SR Bray, BC Craven, AL Hicks, KC Hayes, ... Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 34 (4), 640-647, 2009 | 199 | 2009 |
The impact of motivational imagery on the emotional state and self-efficacy levels of novice climbers MV Jones, RD Mace, SR Bray, AW MacRae, C Stockbridge Journal of Sport Behavior 25 (1), 57, 2002 | 198 | 2002 |
Role ambiguity and role conflict within interdependent teams MR Beauchamp, SR Bray Small group research 32 (2), 133-157, 2001 | 196 | 2001 |
Athletes' perceptions of the home advantage: An investigation of perceived causal factors SR Bray, WN Widmeyer Journal of Sport Behavior 23 (1), 1-1, 2000 | 191 | 2000 |