What Americans know about politics and why it matters MXD Carpini, S Keeter Yale University Press, 1996 | 8742 | 1996 |
A new engagement?: Political participation, civic life, and the changing American citizen C Zukin, S Keeter, M Andolina, K Jenkins, MXD Carpini Oxford University Press, 2006 | 1929 | 2006 |
Consequences of reducing nonresponse in a national telephone survey S Keeter, C Miller, A Kohut, RM Groves, S Presser Public opinion quarterly 64 (2), 125-148, 2000 | 1325 | 2000 |
Measuring political knowledge: Putting first things first MXD Carpini, S Keeter American Journal of Political Science, 1179-1206, 1993 | 1177 | 1993 |
Gauging the impact of growing nonresponse on estimates from a national RDD telephone survey S Keeter, C Kennedy, M Dimock, J Best, P Craighill International Journal of Public Opinion Quarterly 70 (5), 759-779, 2006 | 1129 | 2006 |
Habits from home, lessons from school: Influences on youth civic engagement MW Andolina, K Jenkins, C Zukin, S Keeter PS: Political Science & Politics 36 (2), 275-280, 2003 | 620 | 2003 |
The civic and political health of the nation: A generational portrait. S Keeter, C Zukin, M Andolina, K Jenkins Center for information and research on civic learning and engagement (CIRCLE), 2002 | 620 | 2002 |
Religion and politics in America: Faith, culture, and strategic choices RB Fowler Routledge, 2018 | 560 | 2018 |
Stability and Change in the US Public's Knowledge of Politics MXD Carini, S Keeter Public Opinion Quarterly 55 (4), 583-612, 1991 | 420 | 1991 |
Millennials: A portrait of generation next P Taylor, S Keeter Pew Research Center 1, 2010 | 402 | 2010 |
Assessing the representativeness of public opinion surveys A Kohut, S Keeter, C Doherty, M Dimock, L Christian Washington, DC: Pew Research Center, 2012 | 394 | 2012 |
The election of 1992: Reports and interpretations GM Pomper (No Title), 1993 | 378* | 1993 |
The diminishing divide: Religion's changing role in American politics A Kohut, JC Green, S Keeter, RC Toth Brookings Institution Press, 2001 | 376 | 2001 |
The illusion of intimacy television and the role of candidate personal qualities in voter choice S Keeter Public Opinion Quarterly 51 (3), 344-358, 1987 | 289 | 1987 |
What low response rates mean for telephone surveys S Keeter, N Hatley, C Kennedy, A Lau Pew Research Center 15 (1), 1-39, 2017 | 257 | 2017 |
Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change. P Taylor, S Keeter Pew Research Center, 2010 | 229 | 2010 |
Evaluating online nonprobability surveys C Kennedy, A Mercer, S Keeter, N Hatley, K McGeeney, A Gimenez Pew Research Center 61, 1-60, 2016 | 227 | 2016 |
Searching for the meaning of youth civic engagement: Notes from the field MW Andolina, K Jenkins, S Keeter, C Zukin Applied Developmental Science 6 (4), 189-195, 2002 | 211 | 2002 |
Theory and practice in nonprobability surveys: parallels between causal inference and survey inference AW Mercer, F Kreuter, S Keeter, EA Stuart Public Opinion Quarterly 81 (S1), 250-271, 2017 | 186 | 2017 |
What's missing from national landline RDD surveys? The impact of the growing cell-only population S Keeter, C Kennedy, A Clark, T Tompson, M Mokrzycki Public Opinion Quarterly 71 (5), 772-792, 2007 | 185 | 2007 |