Francisco Parisi
Francisco Parisi
在 unsam.edu.ar 的电子邮件经过验证
Dynamic phase separation in
L Ghivelder, F Parisi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (18), 184425, 2005
Controlled phase separation in
P Levy, F Parisi, G Polla, D Vega, G Leyva, H Lanza, RS Freitas, ...
Physical Review B 62 (10), 6437, 2000
Novel dynamical effects and persistent memory in phase separated manganites
P Levy, F Parisi, L Granja, E Indelicato, G Polla
Physical review letters 89 (13), 137001, 2002
Electronic properties of transition-metal clusters: Consideration of the spillover in a bulk parametrization
J Guevara, F Parisi, AM Llois, M Weissmann
Physical Review B 55 (19), 13283, 1997
Abrupt field-induced transition triggered by magnetocaloric effect in phase-separated manganites
L Ghivelder, RS Freitas, MG Das Virgens, MA Continentino, H Martinho, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69 (21), 214414, 2004
Nonvolatile magnetoresistive memory in phase separated
P Levy, F Parisi, M Quintero, L Granja, J Curiale, J Sacanell, G Leyva, ...
Physical Review B 65 (14), 140401, 2002
Magnetization studies of phase separation in
RS Freitas, L Ghivelder, P Levy, F Parisi
Physical Review B 65 (10), 104403, 2002
Observation of phonon-induced magnetic deflagration in manganites
F Macia, A Hernández-Mínguez, G Abril, JM Hernandez, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (17), 174424, 2007
Magnetoresistance induced by low-field control of phase separation in
F Parisi, P Levy, L Ghivelder, G Polla, D Vega
Physical Review B 63 (14), 144419, 2001
Magnetocaloric effect in manganites: metamagnetic transitions for magnetic refrigeration
M Quintero, J Sacanell, L Ghivelder, AM Gomes, AG Leyva, F Parisi
Applied Physics Letters 97 (12), 2010
Decoupling electrocaloric effect from Joule heating in a solid state cooling device
M Quintero, L Ghivelder, F Gomez-Marlasca, F Parisi
Applied Physics Letters 99 (23), 2011
Thermodynamic modeling of phase separation in manganites
J Sacanell, F Parisi, JCP Campoy, L Ghivelder
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (1), 014403, 2006
Structural and electrical characterisation of La0. 5Ca0. 5MnO3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition
D Rubi, S Duhalde, MC Terzzoli, G Leyva, G Polla, P Levy, F Parisi, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 320 (1-4), 86-89, 2002
Equilibrium tuned by a magnetic field in phase separated manganite
M Quintero, F Parisi, G Leyva, L Ghivelder
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (34), 345204, 2008
Magnetic fingerprints of the very fast jumps of colossal magnetoresistance in the phase-separated manganite
F Macia, G Abril, A Hernández-Mínguez, JM Hernandez, J Tejada, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (1), 012403, 2008
Critical behavior investigated through magnetocaloric effect in PrSrMnO and Pr (Sr, Ca) MnO manganites
M Hsini, L Ghivelder, F Parisi
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 535, 168059, 2021
Phase coexistence regimes in La0. 325Pr0. 300Ca0. 375MnO3
M Quintero, AG Leyva, P Levy, F Parisi, O Agüero, I Torriani, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 354 (1-4), 63-66, 2004
Low temperature irreversibility induced by thermal cycles on two prototypical phase separated manganites
J Sacanell, M Quintero, J Curiale, G Garbarino, C Acha, RS Freitas, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 369 (1-2), 74-77, 2004
Avalanche-like metamagnetic transition in (LaNd) CaMnO manganites
L Ghivelder, GG Eslava, RS Freitas, G Leyva, F Parisi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 680, 494-499, 2016
Magnetoresistive memory in phase-separated La0. 5Ca0. 5MnO3
J Sacanell, F Parisi, P Levy, L Ghivelder
Physica B: Condensed Matter 354 (1-4), 43-46, 2004
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