Achille Vernizzi
Achille Vernizzi
Department of Economics, Management, Quantitative Methods, Università degli Studi di MIlano
在 unimi.it 的电子邮件经过验证
On the Gini coefficient normalization when attributes with negative values are considered
E Raffinetti, E Siletti, A Vernizzi
Statistical Methods & Applications 24 (3), 507-521, 2015
Analyzing the effects of negative and non-negative values on income inequality: evidence from the survey of household income and wealth of the Bank of Italy (2012)
E Raffinetti, E Siletti, A Vernizzi
Social Indicators Research 133, 185-207, 2017
On measuring inequity in taxation among groups of income units
MG Monti, S Pellegrino, A Vernizzi
Review of Income and Wealth 61 (1), 43-58, 2015
On measuring violations of the progressive principle in income tax systems
S Pellegrino, A Vernizzi
Empirical Economics 45, 239-245, 2013
The Gini coefficient and the case of negative values
F De Battisti, F Porro, A Vernizzi
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (EJASA) 12 (1), 85-107, 2019
On the use of shrinkage estimators in filtering extraneous information
A Vernizzi, R Goller, P Sais
Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 453-480, 1995
The decomposition of the Atkinson-Plotnick-Kakwani re-ranking measure
MG Monti, A Vernizzi, M Mussini
Statistica applicata-Italian Journal of Applied Statistics 22 (2), 177-198, 2012
A Gini and concentration index decomposition with an application to the APK reranking measure
A Vernizzi, MG Monti, M Mussini
The 2007 personal income tax reform in Italy: effects on potential equity, horizontal inequity and re-ranking
S Pellegrino, A Vernizzi
Former Department of Economics and Public Finance" G. Prato", University of …, 2010
On determining" Close equals groups" in decomposing redistributive and reranking effects.
A Vernizzi, S Pellegrino
SIEP, Società italiana di economia pubblica, 2007
Decomposition and normalization of absolute differences, when positive and negative values are considered: applications to the gini coefficient
K Ostasiewicz, A Vernizzi
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych 18 (3), 472-491, 2017
Una precisazione sulla scomposizione dell'indice di redistribuzione RE di Aronson-Johnson-Lambert e una proposta di estensione dell'indice di Plotnick
A Vernizzi
Economia Pubblica, 2007
A contribution to the estimation of equivalence scales in Poland
A Vernizzi, Z Rusnak, E Siletti
QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, W. Ostasiewicz, ed, 112-126, 2003
A note on the maximum value of the Kakwani index
D Mantovani, S Pellegrino, A Vernizzi
Empirical Economics 58 (2), 869-874, 2020
Decomposing the redistributive effect of taxation to reveal axiom violations
S Pellegrino, A Vernizzi
Unito Department of Economics and Statistics WP Series, 2018
La scomposizione dell'effetto redistributivo in effetto verticale, orizzontale e di riordinamento: analisi della recente letteratura e verifica empirica
S Pellegrino, A Vernizzi
Politica economica 27 (1), 25-48, 2011
An overall inequality reducing and horizontally equitable tax system with application to Polish data
A Vernizzi, MG Monti, M Kosny
Wroclaw University of Economics Publishing House, Wroclaw, 2006
Carichi di famiglia nell'imposta sui redditi delle persone fisiche in Italia e in Europa: alcune proposte per l'Italia
G Boesso, A Vernizzi, R Unito
Università di Milano, Dipartimento di economia politica e aziendale, 2000
Stima della manovra necessaria per il riequilibrio del carico fiscale secondo il numero dei componenti
M Martini, A Vernizzi
Il riconoscimento dei carichi familiari: verso un effettiva equità …, 1999
The Zenga equality curve: A new approach to measuring tax redistribution and progressivity
F Greselin, S Pellegrino, A Vernizzi
Review of Income and Wealth 67 (4), 950-976, 2021
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