Jon Alan Yeakley
Jon Alan Yeakley
Professor of Geography and Environmental Systems, University of Maryland Baltimore County
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Valuing ecological systems and services
R Constanza, I Kubiszewski, D Ervin, R Bluffstone, J Boyd, D Brown, ...
F1000 Biology Reports 3:14 (doi:10.3410/B3-14), 3:14 (doi:10.3410/B3-14), 2011
Inferring process from pattern in natural communities
WG Cale, GM Henebry, JA Yeakley
BioScience 39 (9), 600-605, 1989
Soil moisture gradients and controls on a southern Appalachian hillslope from drought through recharge
JA Yeakley, WT Swank, LW Swift, GM Hornberger, HH Shugart
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2 (1), 41-49, 1998
A review of urban water body challenges and approaches:(1) rehabilitation and remediation
RM Hughes, S Dunham, KG Maas-Hebner, JA Yeakley, C Schreck, ...
Fisheries 39 (1), 18-29, 2014
Ecosystem services of streams and rivers
J Alan Yeakley, D Ervin, H Chang, EF Granek, V Dujon, V Shandas, ...
River science: Research and management for the 21st century, 335-352, 2016
Rubus armeniacus (Himalayan blackberry) occurrence and growth in relation to soil and light conditions in western Oregon
JS Caplan, JA Yeakley
Northwest Science 80 (1), 9, 2006
Sustainable Flood Risk and Stormwater Management in Blue‐Green Cities; an Interdisciplinary Case Study in Portland, Oregon
EC O’Donnell, CR Thorne, JA Yeakley, FKS Chan
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2020
Stormflow dynamics of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in a small urban watershed
AM Hook, JA Yeakley
Biogeochemistry 75, 409-431, 2005
Near-stream landuse effects on streamwater nutrient distribution in an urbanizing watershed
K Sonoda, JA Yeakley, CE Walker
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 37 (6), 1517-1532, 2001
How well has land-use planning worked under different governance regimes? A case study in the Portland, OR-Vancouver, WA metropolitan area, USA
JD Kline, P Thiers, CP Ozawa, JA Yeakley, SN Gordon
Landscape and Urban Planning 131, 51-63, 2014
Hillslope nutrient dynamics following upland riparian vegetation disturbance
JA Yeakley, DC Coleman, BL Haines, BD Kloeppel, JL Meyer, WT Swank, ...
Ecosystems 6, 0154-0167, 2003
Water relations advantages for invasive Rubusáarmeniacus over two native ruderal congeners
JS Caplan, JA Yeakley
Plant Ecology 210, 169-179, 2010
Relationships between environmental governance and water quality in a growing metropolitan area of the Pacific Northwest, USA
H Chang, P Thiers, NR Netusil, JA Yeakley, G Rollwagen-Bollens, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (4), 1383-1395, 2014
Growing cities depend on ecosystem services
DE Ervin, D Brown, H Chang, V Dujon, EF Granek, V Shandas, ...
Solutions: For a Sustainable and Desirable Future, 2012
Functional morphology underlies performance differences among invasive and non-invasive ruderal Rubus species
JS Caplan, JA Yeakley
Oecologia 173, 363-374, 2013
Water supply, demand, and quality indicators for assessing the spatial distribution of water resource vulnerability in the Columbia River basin
H Chang, IW Jung, A Strecker, D Wise, M Lafrenz, V Shandas, ...
Atmosphere-Ocean 51 (4), 339-356, 2013
Combining and aggregating environmental data for status and trend assessments: challenges and approaches
C Schreck, N Molina, MJ Harte, RM Hughes, KG Maas-Hebner, ...
www.fsl.orst.edu/imst, 2015
Wild salmonids in the urbanizing Pacific Northwest
JA Yeakley, KG Maas-Hebner, RM Hughes
Springer, 2014
Differential effects of understory and overstory gaps on tree regeneration1
B Beckage, BD Kloeppel, JA Yeakley, SF Taylor, DC Coleman
The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135 (1), 1-11, 2008
Performance of management strategies in the protection of riparian vegetation in three Oregon cities
CP Ozawa, J Alan Yeakley
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 50 (6), 803-822, 2007
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