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Fibertools: fast and accurate DNA-m6A calling using single-molecule long-read sequencing.
A Jha, SC Bohaczuk, Y Mao, J Ranchalis, BJ Mallory, AT Min, MO Hamm, ...
Biorxiv: the Preprint Server for Biology, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Institutes of Health
可在其他位置公开访问的文章:5 篇
Structural analysis of prolines and hydroxyprolines binding to the L-glutamate-γ-semialdehyde dehydrogenase active site of bifunctional proline utilization A
AC Campbell, AN Bogner, Y Mao, DF Becker, JJ Tanner
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 698, 108727, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Conservation of dichromatin organization along regional centromeres
D Dubocanin, GA Hartley, AES Cortes, Y Mao, S Hedouin, J Ranchalis, ...
BioRxiv, 2023.04. 20.537689, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Institutes of Health
Synchronized long-read genome, methylome, epigenome, and transcriptome for resolving a Mendelian condition
MR Vollger, J Korlach, KC Eldred, E Swanson, JG Underwood, ...
bioRxiv, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Institutes of Health
Evidence for Proline Catabolic Enzymes in the Metabolism of Thiazolidine Carboxylates
Y Mao, J Seravalli, TG Smith, M Morton, JJ Tanner, DF Becker
Biochemistry 60 (47), 3610-3620, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: US National Institutes of Health
Stable centromere association of the yeast histone variant Cse4 requires its essential N-terminal domain
AR Popchock, S Hedouin, Y Mao, CL Asbury, AB Stergachis, S Biggins
The EMBO Journal, 1-24, 2025
强制性开放获取政策: Howard Hughes Medical Institute