Rhiannon N. Turner
Rhiannon N. Turner
Professor of Social Psychology, Queen's University Belfast
在 qub.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Can imagined interactions produce positive perceptions?: Reducing prejudice through simulated social contact.
RJ Crisp, RN Turner
American psychologist 64 (4), 231, 2009
Reducing explicit and implicit outgroup prejudice via direct and extended contact: The mediating role of self-disclosure and intergroup anxiety.
RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci
Journal of personality and social psychology 93 (3), 369, 2007
Reducing implicit racial preferences: I. A comparative investigation of 17 interventions.
CK Lai, M Marini, SA Lehr, C Cerruti, JEL Shin, JA Joy-Gaba, AK Ho, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (4), 1765, 2014
Imagining intergroup contact can improve intergroup attitudes
RN Turner, RJ Crisp, E Lambert
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 10 (4), 427-441, 2007
A test of the extended intergroup contact hypothesis: the mediating role of intergroup anxiety, perceived ingroup and outgroup norms, and inclusion of the outgroup in the self.
RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci, C Vonofakou
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (4), 843, 2008
Cognitive adaptation to the experience of social and cultural diversity.
RJ Crisp, RN Turner
Psychological bulletin 137 (2), 242, 2011
Imagining intergroup contact reduces implicit prejudice
RN Turner, RJ Crisp
British Journal of Social Psychology 49 (1), 129-142, 2010
Essential social psychology
RJ Crisp, RN Turner, R Meleady
SAGE Publications Limited, 2024
Imagined intergroup contact: Refinements, debates, and clarifications
RJ Crisp, RN Turner
Advances in intergroup contact, 135-151, 2012
Reducing prejudice via direct and extended cross-group friendship
RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci, S Paolini, O Christ
European review of social psychology 18 (1), 212-255, 2007
Intergroup contact: When does it work, and why
JB Kenworthy, RN Turner, M Hewstone, A Voci
On the nature of prejudice: Fifty years after Allport, 278-292, 2005
Confidence in contact: A new perspective on promoting cross‐group friendship among children and adolescents
RN Turner, L Cameron
Social issues and policy review 10 (1), 212-246, 2016
Out‐group trust, intergroup anxiety, and out‐group attitude as mediators of the effect of imagined intergroup contact on intergroup behavioral tendencies
RN Turner, K West, Z Christie
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43, E196-E205, 2013
The imagined contact hypothesis
RJ Crisp, RN Turner
Advances in experimental social psychology 46, 125-182, 2012
From imagery to intention: A dual route model of imagined contact effects
RJ Crisp, S Husnu, R Meleady, S Stathi, RN Turner
European review of social psychology 21 (1), 188-236, 2010
Best friends and better coping: Facilitating psychological resilience through boys’ and girls’ closest friendships
R Graber, R Turner, A Madill
British Journal of Psychology 107 (2), 338-358, 2016
Seeing red or feeling blue: Differentiated intergroup emotions and ingroup identification in soccer fans
RJ Crisp, S Heuston, MJ Farr, RN Turner
Group processes & intergroup relations 10 (1), 9-26, 2007
" Changing attitudes with a little imagination?: Imagined contact effects on young children? s intergroup bias
L Cameron, A Rutland, R Turner, R Holman Nicolas, C Powell
Anales de psicología, vol. 27, nº 3, 2011, 2011
Dropping the weight stigma: Nostalgia improves attitudes toward persons who are overweight
RN Turner, T Wildschut, C Sedikides
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (1), 130-137, 2012
Does intergenerational contact reduce ageism: When and how contact interventions actually work?
J Christian, R Turner, N Holt, M Larkin, JH Cotler
Journal of Arts and Humanities 3 (1), 1-15, 2014
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