Wolfgang Baumeister
Wolfgang Baumeister
Max Planck Institut für Biochemie
The 26S proteasome: a molecular machine designed for controlled proteolysis
D Voges, P Zwickl, W Baumeister
Annual review of biochemistry 68 (1), 1015-1068, 1999
The proteasome: paradigm of a self-compartmentalizing protease
W Baumeister, J Walz, F Zühl, E Seemüller
Cell 92 (3), 367-380, 1998
Crystal Structure of the 20S Proteasome from the Archaeon T. acidophilum at 3.4 Å Resolution
J Löwe, D Stock, B Jap, P Zwickl, W Baumeister, R Huber
Science 268 (5210), 533-539, 1995
A subcomplex of the proteasome regulatory particle required for ubiquitin-conjugate degradation and related to the COP9-signalosome and eIF3
MH Glickman, DM Rubin, O Coux, I Wefes, G Pfeifer, Z Cjeka, ...
Cell 94 (5), 615-623, 1998
The correlation averaging of a regularly arranged bacterial cell envelope protein
WO Saxton, W Baumeister
Journal of microscopy 127 (2), 127-138, 1982
Macromolecular architecture in eukaryotic cells visualized by cryoelectron tomography
O Medalia, I Weber, AS Frangakis, D Nicastro, G Gerisch, W Baumeister
Science 298 (5596), 1209-1213, 2002
Proteasome from Thermoplasma acidophilum: a Threonine Protease
E Seemüller, A Lupas, D Stock, J Löwe, R Huber, W Baumeister
Science 268 (5210), 579-582, 1995
Structural studies by electron tomography: from cells to molecules
V Lučić, F Förster, W Baumeister
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 74, 833-865, 2005
Three-dimensional structure of herpes simplex virus from cryo-electron tomography
K Grunewald, P Desai, DC Winkler, JB Heymann, DM Belnap, ...
Science 302 (5649), 1396-1398, 2003
From words to literature in structural proteomics
A Sali, R Glaeser, T Earnest, W Baumeister
Nature 422 (6928), 216-225, 2003
Nuclear pore complex structure and dynamics revealed by cryoelectron tomography
M Beck, F Förster, M Ecke, JM Plitzko, F Melchior, G Gerisch, ...
Science 306 (5700), 1387-1390, 2004
Phase separation of a yeast prion protein promotes cellular fitness
TM Franzmann, M Jahnel, A Pozniakovsky, J Mahamid, AS Holehouse, ...
Science 359 (6371), eaao5654, 2018
The molecular sociology of the cell
CV Robinson, A Sali, W Baumeister
Nature 450 (7172), 973-982, 2007
Visualizing the molecular sociology at the HeLa cell nuclear periphery
J Mahamid, S Pfeffer, M Schaffer, E Villa, R Danev, L Kuhn Cuellar, ...
Science 351 (6276), 969-972, 2016
Molecular architecture of the 26S proteasome holocomplex determined by an integrative approach
K Lasker, F Förster, S Bohn, T Walzthoeni, E Villa, P Unverdorben, F Beck, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (5), 1380-1387, 2012
Volta potential phase plate for in-focus phase contrast transmission electron microscopy
R Danev, B Buijsse, M Khoshouei, JM Plitzko, W Baumeister
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (44), 15635-15640, 2014
Chaperonin‐mediated protein folding: GroES binds to one end of the GroEL cylinder, which accommodates the protein substrate within its central cavity.
T Langer, G Pfeifer, J Martin, W Baumeister, FU Hartl
The EMBO journal 11 (13), 4757-4765, 1992
Perspectives of molecular and cellular electron tomography
AJ Koster, R Grimm, D Typke, R Hegerl, A Stoschek, J Walz, ...
Journal of structural biology 120 (3), 276-308, 1997
The genome sequence of the thermoacidophilic scavenger Thermoplasma acidophilum
A Ruepp, W Graml, ML Santos-Martinez, KK Koretke, C Volker, ...
Nature 407 (6803), 508-513, 2000
TOM software toolbox: acquisition and analysis for electron tomography
S Nickell, F Förster, A Linaroudis, W Del Net, F Beck, R Hegerl, ...
Journal of structural biology 149 (3), 227-234, 2005
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