Joe Gladstone
Joe Gladstone
CU Boulder, Leeds School of Business
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Money buys happiness when spending fits our personality
SC Matz, JJ Gladstone, D Stillwell
Psychological science 27 (5), 715-725, 2016
Psychological characteristics and household savings behavior: The importance of accounting for latent heterogeneity
P Gerhard, JJ Gladstone, AOI Hoffmann
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 148, 66-82, 2018
How Your Bank Balance Buys Happiness: The Importance of “Cash on Hand” to Life Satisfaction
PM Ruberton, J Gladstone, S Lyubomirsky
Emotion, 2016
Can psychological traits be inferred from spending? Evidence from transaction data
JJ Gladstone, SC Matz, A Lemaire
Psychological science 30 (7), 1087-1096, 2019
In a world of big data, small effects can still matter: A reply to Boyce, Daly, Hounkpatin, and Wood (2017)
SC Matz, JJ Gladstone, D Stillwell
Psychological science 28 (4), 547-550, 2017
Love, lies, and money: Financial infidelity in romantic relationships
EN Garbinsky, JJ Gladstone, H Nikolova, JG Olson
Journal of Consumer Research 47 (1), 1-24, 2020
Nice guys finish last: When and why agreeableness is associated with economic hardship.
SC Matz, JJ Gladstone
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118 (3), 545, 2020
Personality, income, and compensatory consumption: Low-income extraverts spend more on status
B Landis, JJ Gladstone
Psychological science 28 (10), 1518-1520, 2017
The consumption consequences of couples pooling finances
EN Garbinsky, JJ Gladstone
Journal of Consumer Psychology 29 (3), 353-369, 2019
Spending reflects not only who we are but also who we are around: The joint effects of individual and geographic personality on consumption.
T Ebert, FM Götz, JJ Gladstone, SR Müller, SC Matz
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121 (2), 378, 2021
Beliefs about whether spending implies wealth
HB Kappes, JJ Gladstone, HE Hershfield
Journal of Consumer Research 48 (1), 1-21, 2021
Financial shame spirals: How shame intensifies financial hardship
JJ Gladstone, JM Jachimowicz, AE Greenberg, AD Galinsky
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 167, 42-56, 2021
Who are the scrooges? Personality predictors of holiday spending
SJ Weston, JJ Gladstone, EK Graham, DK Mroczek, DM Condon
Social Psychological and Personality Science 10 (6), 775-782, 2019
Inferring psychological traits from spending categories and dynamic consumption patterns
N Tovanich, S Centellegher, NB Seghouani, J Gladstone, S Matz, B Lepri
EPJ Data Science 10 (1), 24, 2021
Making medications stick: improving medication adherence by highlighting the personal health costs of non-compliance
JM Jachimowicz, JJ Gladstone, DAN Berry, CL Kirkdale, T Thornley, ...
Behavioural Public Policy 5 (3), 396-416, 2021
Pooling finances and relationship satisfaction.
JJ Gladstone, EN Garbinsky, C Mogilner
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 123 (6), 1293, 2022
When does psychological fit matter? The moderating role of price on self-brand congruity
JJ Gladstone, EN Garbinsky, SC Matz
Social Psychological and Personality Science 13 (2), 595-607, 2022
Contextual inequality in the performance costs of financial precarity
J Meuris, J Gladstone
Journal of Management 50 (3), 979-1001, 2024
Leveraging psychological fit to encourage saving behavior.
SC Matz, JJ Gladstone, RA Farrokhnia
American Psychologist, 2023
Understanding the functional form of the relationship between childhood cognitive ability and adult financial well-being
J Gladstone, JAM Barrett
Plos one 18 (6), e0285199, 2023
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