Anang D. Purwanto
Anang D. Purwanto
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
在 brin.go.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Analisis sebaran dan kerapatan mangrove menggunakan citra Landsat 8 di Segara Anakan, Cilacap
AD Purwanto, W Asriningrum, G Winarso, E Parwati
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2014, 232-241, 2014
Decision tree and random forest classification algorithms for mangrove forest mapping in Sembilang National Park, Indonesia
AD Purwanto, K Wikantika, A Deliar, S Darmawan
Remote Sensing 15 (1), 16, 2022
Time series analysis of total suspended solid (TSS) using Landsat data in Berau coastal area, Indonesia
E Parwati, AD Purwanto
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 14 (1 …, 2017
Evaluation of mangrove damage level based on Landsat 8 image
G Winarso, AD Purwanto
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 11 (2 …, 2017
New mangrove index as degradation/health indicator using Remote Sensing data: Segara Anakan and Alas Purwo case study
G Winarso, AD Purwanto, D Yuwono
12th Biennial Conference of Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, 309-316, 2014
Identification of mangrove forests using multispectral satellite imageries
AD Purwanto, W Asriningrum
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 16 (1 …, 2019
Analisis algoritma ekstraksi informasi TSS menggunakan data Landsat 8 di Perairan Berau
E Parwati, AD Purwanto
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh 2014, 518-528, 2014
Mangrove above ground biomass estimation using combination of Landsat 8 and ALOS PALSAR data
G Winarso, Y Vetrita, AD Purwanto, N Anggraini, S Darmawan, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 12 (2 …, 2017
Pendekatan baru indeks kerusakan mangrove menggunakan data penginderaan jauh
G Winarso, AD Purwanto
Seminar Nasional Penginderaan Jauh, 268-279, 2014
Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kekambuhan pasien skizofrenia di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakarta
A Purwanto
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2010
Model-based estimation of plastic debris accumulation in Banten Bay, Indonesia, using particle tracking-Flow model hydrodynamics approach
UJ Wisha, WA Gemilang, YJ Wijaya, AD Purwanto
Ocean & Coastal Management 217, 106009, 2022
Identification of Coral Reef Using Sentinel 2A Satellite Imagery (Case Study: Coastal Waters of Northern Nias)
AD Purwanto, T Prayogo, S Marpaung
J. Teknol. Lingkung 21 (1), 95-108, 2020
Development of a simple method for detecting mangrove using free open source software
AD Purwanto, ER Ardli
Jurnal Segara 16 (2), 71-82, 2020
Changes in distribution and density of mangrove forests in Coastal Waters of Bama, Baluran National Park using SPOT 4 and SPOT 6 satellite imagery
ARL Fudloly, MAZ Fuad, AD Purwanto
DEPIK Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir Dan Perikanan 9 (2), 184-192, 2020
The Data Utilization of Remote Sensing for Habitat Extraction on Shallow Water in Pemuteran Beach, Bali, Indonesia
AD Purwanto, KT Setiawan, DNB Ginting
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis 22 (2), 165-174, 2019
Proses Konversi Lahan Pertanian di Pinggiran Kota: Studi Kasus di Daerah Pinggiran Kota Yogyakarta (Agricultural land conversion in the urban fringes: the case of fringe areas …
B Setiawan, A Purwanto
Manusia dan Lingkungan 3 (1), 79-89, 1994
Analysis of Water Productivity in Banda Sea Based on Remote Sensing Satellite Data
S Marpaung, R Faristyawan, AD Purwanto, W Asriningrum, AG Suhada, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 17 (1 …, 2021
Analysis of potential fishing zones in coastal waters: A case study of Nias Island waters
AD Purwanto, T Prayogo, S Marpaung, AG Suhada
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 17 (1 …, 2021
Analysis of Potential Fishing Zones Based on SNPP-VIIRS Satellite Imagery (Case Study: Arafura Sea)
AD Purwanto, DP Ramadhani
Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology 13 (3 …, 2020
Land Cover Changes and Impacts of Massive Siltation on the Mangrove Segara Anakan Lagoon System, Cilacap Indonesia
ER Ardli, E Yuwono, AD Purwanto
Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022
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