Matteo D'Aloia
Matteo D'Aloia
Politecnico di Bari. Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica
在 deemail.poliba.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Noisy ECG signal analysis for automatic peak detection
M D’Aloia, A Longo, M Rizzi
Information 10 (2), 35, 2019
Computer aided detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms adopting a wavelet decomposition
M Rizzi, M D'Aloia, B Castagnolo
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 16 (2), 91-103, 2009
Semiconductor detectors and principles of radiation-matter interaction
M Rizzi, M D'Aloia, B Castagnolo
Journal of Applied Sciences(Faisalabad) 10 (23), 3141-3155, 2010
Review: Health care CAD systems for breast microcalcification cluster detection
M Rizzi, M D’Aloia, B Castagnolo
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 32 (3), 147-156, 2012
A marker-based image processing method for detecting available parking slots from UAVs
M D’Aloia, M Rizzi, R Russo, M Notarnicola, L Pellicani
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing--ICIAP 2015 Workshops: ICIAP …, 2015
Iot indoor localization with ai technique
M D'Aloia, A Longo, G Guadagno, M Pulpito, P Fornarelli, PN Laera, ...
2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, 654-658, 2020
Improving energy efficiency in building system using a novel people localization system
M D'Aloia, F Cortone, G Cice, R Russo, M Rizzi, A Longo
2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring …, 2016
Health care improvement: Comparative analysis of two CAD systems in mammographic screening
M Rizzi, M D'Aloia, C Guaragnella, B Castagnolo
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2012
A fully automatic system for detection of breast microcalcification clusters
M Rizzi, M D’Aloia, B Castagnolo
J. Med. Biol. Eng 30 (3), 181-188, 2010
High sensitivity and noise immune method to detect impedance cardiography characteristic points using wavelet transform
M Rizzi, M D’Aloia, B Castagnolo
J Applied Science 9 (8), 1412-21, 2009
A supervised method for microcalcification cluster diagnosis
M Rizzi, M D'Aloia, B Castagnolo
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 20 (2), 157-167, 2013
Controlling transient stability through line switching
S Bruno, M D'Aloia, G De Carne, M La Scala
2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), 1-7, 2012
Computer aided evaluation (CAE) of morphologic changes in pigmented skin lesions
M Rizzi, M D’Aloia, G Cice
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing--ICIAP 2015 Workshops: ICIAP …, 2015
Computer aided system for breast cancer diagnosis
M Rizzi, M D'Aloia
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 26 (03), 1450033, 2014
Fast parallelized algorithm for ECG analysis
M Rizzi, MD Aloiaastagnolo
WSEAS Transaction on Biology and Medicine 5 (8), 210-219, 2008
Low cost IoT sensor system for real-time remote monitoring
M D'Aloia, A Longo, G Guadagno, M Pulpito, P Fornarelli, PN Laera, ...
2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, 576-580, 2020
Localization and Monitoring System based on BLE Fingerprint Method.
A Longo, M Rizzi, D Amendolare, S Stanisci, R Russo, G Cice, M D'Aloia
WAIAH@ AI* IA, 25-32, 2017
An innovative LPWA network scheme to increase system reliability in remote monitoring
M D'Aloia, A Longo, R Ruggero, S Stanisci, D Amendolare, M Rizzi, ...
2017 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring …, 2017
An accurate computer method to assist physicians for breast cancer detection
M Rizzi, M D’Aloia, B Castagnolo
World Applied Sciences Journal 10 (3), 348-354, 2010
Digital watermarking for healthcare: a survey of ECG watermarking methods in telemedicine
M Rizzi, M D'Aloia, A Longo
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 23 (3), 235-249, 2020
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