oguz catal
oguz catal
genel cerrahi uzmanı
The relationship between tumor budding and survival in colorectal carcinomas
SP Ozer, SG Barut, B Ozer, O Catal, M Sit
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 65, 1442-1447, 2020
Is appendectomy a simple surgical procedure?
O Catal, B Ozer, M Sit, H Erkol
Cirugía y cirujanos 89 (3), 303-308, 2021
Prediction of lymph node metastasis in colon cancer via platelet to lymphocyte ratio and platelet count
O Çatal, B Özer, M Şit
Jcpsp-Journal Of The College Of Physicians And Surgeons Pakistan, 2020
Risk factors for operative mortality and morbidity in gastric cancer undergoing D2-gastrectomy
FN Koksoy, D Gonullu, O Catal, E Kuroglu
International Journal of Surgery 8 (8), 633-635, 2010
The role of monocyte to lymphocyt ratio in predicting metastasis in rectal cancer
O Catal, B Ozer, M Sit, G Aktas, H Erkol
Serum amyloid A and omentin levels in acute appendicitis: a preliminary study for a novel diagnostic approach
M Sit, O Çatal, G Aktas, EE Yilmaz, M Tosun, H Savli
Clin Ter 165 (1), e35-8, 2014
Henoch-Schönlein purpura presenting with acute abdomen
O Catal, B Ozer, M Sit
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 31 (31), 350-2, 2021
Kekik yağı karvakrol’ün insan sağlığına etkileri
S Yaman, Z Özdemir, M Şit, B Özer, O Çatal
SETSCI-Conference Proceedings 2, 391-392, 2018
Evaluation of patients diagnosed with incidental gallbladder cancers after cholecystectomy
O Çatal, B Özer, M Şit, F Bolat, H Erkol
Haseki Tip Bulteni 57 (2), 191, 2019
The effects of early enteral nutrition products on the healing of colo-colonic anastomosis
M Şit, AS İlgün, O Çatal, FN Köksoy, G Aktaş
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2015
Management of patients with colorectal cancer in COVID-19 pandemic hospital.
O Çatal, B Ozer, M Sit
Bratislava Medical Journal/Bratislavské Lekárske Listy 122 (4), 2021
The role of lymphocyte-monocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio in predicting risk groups in gastrointestinal stromal tumors
O Catal, B Ozer, M Sit, SP Ozer
Experimental Biomedical Research 3 (4), 255-261, 2020
Effects of magnesium sulphate on liver ischemia/reperfusion injury in a rat model
K Akkoca, H Yoldas, M Sit, I Karagoz, I Yildiz, A Demirhan, M Bilgi, OM Yis, ...
Experimental Biomedical Research 2 (3), 93-102, 2019
Kolesistektomi Sonrası İnsidental Safra Kesesi Kanseri Saptanan Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi.
O Çatal, B Özer, M Şit, F Bolat, H Erkol
Medical Bulletin of Haseki/Haseki Tip Bulteni 57 (2), 2019
Comparison of two surgical techniques in large incisional hernias
M Sit, AS İlgün, A Çakır, O Çatal, R Çakmaz
J Clin Exp Invest www. jceionline. org Vol 5 (1), 2014
Minimally invasive surgery in primary hyperparathyroidism
A Koyuncu, SP Ozer, B Ozer, O Catal, M Sit
Journal of Bionic Memory 3 (1), 1-6, 2023
The Effect of Incidental Parathyroidectomy on Hypocalcemia in Benign and Malignant Thyroid Patients
O Catal, B Özer, M Sit, SP Özer
Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science 7 (1), 69-73, 2021
Cholelithiasis and gastrointestinal cancer: Is there a relationship that increases the risk of developing cancer?
B Ozer, O Catal, SP Ozer, F Keyif, M Sit, NA Kama
Experimental Biomedical Research 3 (4), 248-254, 2020
Ibuprofen increases the serum Omentin levels in rats after abdominal surgery
M Sit, G Aktas, B Ozer, O Catal
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 66 (5), 596-599, 2020
Clinicopathological Profile of Thyroid Carcinomas: A 10-Year Experience in a Tertiary Care Institute
B Ozer, O Catal, SP Ozer, M Sit, H Erkol
Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science 6 (1), 24-27, 2016
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