Contemporary populism: a controversial concept and its diverse forms S Gherghina, S Mişcoiu, S Soare Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013 | 148* | 2013 |
HOW FAR DOES NATIONALISM GO? AN OVERVIEW OF POPULIST PARTIES IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE S Gherghina, S Mișcoiu, S Soare Political Populism, 193-208, 2017 | 130* | 2017 |
Nations in Transit 2014: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia S Habdank-Kołaczkowska, S Mișcoiu, et al. House, Freedom: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 | 119* | 2014 |
The failure of cohabitation: Explaining the 2007 and 2012 institutional crises in Romania S Gherghina, S Miscoiu East European Politics and Societies 27 (4), 668-684, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
Knowledge Co-creation and Sustainable Education in the Labor Market-Driven University–Business Environment S Mișcoiu, CB Pocol, C Dabija, L Stanca, ID Pop Frontiers in Environmental Science 10 (1), 2022 | 66 | 2022 |
Recul démocratique et néo-présidentialisme en Afrique centrale et occidentale S Mișcoiu, SHF Kakaï, KF Hetcheli | 47* | 2015 |
AU POUVOIR PAR LE PEUPLE. Le populisme saisi par la théorie du discours S Miscoiu l'Harmattan, 2012 | 47* | 2012 |
The social atlas of Europe D Ballas, D Dorling, B Hennig, S Mișcoiu, et al. Policy Press, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
Raconter les politiques conflictuelles en Afrique. Regards croisés S Jisa, S Miscoiu, M Diarra Paris: Editions du Cerf 1, 366, 2021 | 38* | 2021 |
Authoritarian clientelism: the case of the president’s ‘Creatures’ in Cameroon S Mișcoiu, LM Kakdeu Acta Politica, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |
Introduction: Democratic Deliberation and Under-Represented Groups S Gherghina, M Mokre, S Mișcoiu Political Science Review, 2020 | 32* | 2020 |
Partide şi personalităţi populiste în România postcomunistă S Gherghina, S Mişcoiu Institutul European, 2010 | 32* | 2010 |
Littérature et politique en Afrique: approche transdisciplinaire S Mișcoiu Sergiu Miscoiu, 2018 | 30* | 2018 |
A rising populist star: The emergence and development of the PPDD in Romania S Gherghina, S Miscoiu Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 22 (2), 181-197, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Populismul contemporan S Gherghina, S MIȘCOIU, S Soare Un concept controversat ș i formele sale diverse, Institutul European, Iași, 2012 | 30* | 2012 |
Recall practices in central and eastern Europe: From citizen accountability to partisan account settling S Mișcoiu The politics of recall elections, 143-157, 2020 | 22* | 2020 |
Balkan populisms: the cases of Bulgaria and Romania S Miscoiu Southeastern Europe 38 (1), 1-24, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Radicalism, populism, interventionism: Three Approaches based on discourse theory S Miscoiu Sergiu Miscoiu, 2008 | 22* | 2008 |
Crowd-sourced legislation and politics: the legitimacy of constitutional deliberation in Romania S Gherghina, S Miscoiu Problems of Post-Communism 63 (1), 27-36, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Naissance de la nation en Europe: théories classiques et théorisations constructivistes S Miscoiu Naissance de la nation en Europe, 1-210, 2010 | 20* | 2010 |