gwenny ichsan prabowo
gwenny ichsan prabowo
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga
在 fk.unair.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Association between five types of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α gene polymorphism and hepatocellular carcinoma risk: a meta-analysis
CDK Wungu, FC Ariyanto, GI Prabowo, Soetjipto, R Handajani
BMC cancer 20, 1-11, 2020
Meta‐analysis: Association between hepatitis B virus preS mutation and hepatocellular carcinoma risk
CDK Wungu, FC Ariyanto, GI Prabowo, S Soetjipto, R Handajani
Journal of Viral Hepatitis 28 (1), 61-71, 2021
Effect of Sticophus hermanii extract on fasting blood glucose and skeletal muscle glut4 on type 2 diabetes mellitus rats model
I Safitri, B Purwanto, L Rochyani, GI Prabowo, D Sukmaya
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 217 (1), 012025, 2019
Infant Birth Weight in Mothers with Maternal Anemia at Dupak Public Health Center Surabaya Working Area in 2017
M Giovanni, GI Prabowo, W Fatmaningrum
Age (yo) 20, 35, 2018
Hubungan antara lingkar perut dengan gula darah puasa pada remaja akhir
BH Perwitasari, GI Prabowo, D Susanti
JUXTA: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga 9 (01), 31-36, 2017
The improvement of community knowledge, attitudes and practices after COVID-19 socialization
S Khaerunnisa, I Syafa'ah, CDK Wungu, GI Prabowo, R Handajani, ...
Folia Medica Indonesiana 57 (2), 6-14, 2021
A Long-Term Ketogenic Diet Decreases Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Levels in Mice
DM Widiatmaja, GI Prabowo, PS Rejeki
Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 48 (3), 2021
Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) Leaves Ethanol Extract Effect to Lens and Erythrocyte Aldose Reductase Activity in Wistar strain white rats (Rattus norvegicus) Streptozotocin …
S Handayani, H Notopuro, GI Prabowo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 217 (1), 012012, 2019
Detection of single-nucleotide polymorphism Gap junction protein Beta-2 genes in deaf schoolchildren of javanese population in Surabaya, Indonesia
N Purnami, GI Prabowo, CDK Wungu, R Handajani
Indian Journal of Otology 25 (1), 6-10, 2019
Counselling and Screening of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Dukuh Kupang Community, Dukuh Pakis District, Surabaya
CDK Wungu, S Khaerunnisa, I Humairah, L Lukitasari, E Qurnianingsih, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 217 (1), 012048, 2019
Katekin Daun Teh Hijau (Camelia sinensis) terhadap Malondialdehyde dan Super Oxide Dismutase.
B Sukina, IP Gwenny, Suhartati, N Harianto
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory 19, 92 - 97, 2013
Associations between P53, Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1, and Interleukin-10 Serum Levels with Advanced Liver Disease and Hepatitis B Virus Infection
CDK Wungu, M Amin, U Kholili, GI Prabowo, PB Setiawan, R Handajani
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 15 (3), 2842-2848, 2021
Sari Ethanol, Etil Asetat Alang-alang (Imperata cyindrica) terhadap Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
S Khaerunnisa, K Sutji, Suhartati, L Lina, H Ira, BN Reza Arta, IP Gwenny
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory 20, 128 - 132, 2014
Profile of F2-Isoprostane Level After 5-Day Administration of Robusta Coffee at a Steady State Dose in Subjects Performing Physical Exercise
R Darmawan, I Mujahidin, MFAS Salamy, U Azmy, L Herawati, ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 116-121, 2024
Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminths in Fresh Vegetables Sold at Several Traditional Markets in Surabaya City.
YD Pratama, IS Tantular, GI Prabowo
Journal of Parasite Science 7 (2), 2023
Association between ve types of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α gene polymorphism and hepatocellular carcinoma risk: a meta-analysis
CDK Wungu, FC Ariyanto, GI Prabowo, S Soetjipto, R Handajani
BMC cancer 20 (1), 1134, 2020
Hepatitis B virus X gene mutation with predominance A1762T+ G1764A double mutation on chronic liver disease patients in Surabaya, Indonesia
CDK Wungu, M Amin, SEN Ruslan, PB Purwono, U Kholili, GI Prabowo, ...
Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 1, 27-31, 2019
Distribution of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes Among Patients at Internal Medicine Unit, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya
CDK Wungu, M Amin, U Kholili, GI Prabowo, PB Setiawan, R Handajani
Warmadewa Medical Journal 4 (01), 6-13, 2019
Detection Of Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv) Infection And Its Genotype In Patients At Hepatology Outpatient Clinic, Dr Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya.
R Handajani, CDK Wungu, I Humairah, GI Prabowo, U Cholili, M Amin, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 217 (1), 012051, 2019
Detection and Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminths Contaminating Several Vegetables in Several Traditional Markets in Surabaya
YD Pratama, IS Tantular, GI Prabowo, H Prasetya
Journal of Parasite Science 7 (2), 71-77, 2023
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