The nature of fascism R Griffin Routledge, 2013 | 2242 | 2013 |
Modernism and Fascism: the Sense of a Beginning under Mussolini and Hitler R Griffin Springer, 2007 | 1160 | 2007 |
Fascism R Griffin Oxford University Press, 1995 | 482 | 1995 |
Fascism R Griffin John Wiley & Sons, 2018 | 317* | 2018 |
International fascism: theories, causes and the new consensus R Griffin (No Title), 1998 | 279 | 1998 |
Interregnum or endgame? The radical right in the ‘post-fascist’era R Griffin Journal of Political ideologies 5 (2), 163-178, 2000 | 256 | 2000 |
From slime mould to rhizome: an introduction to the groupuscular right R Griffin Patterns of Prejudice 37 (1), 27-50, 2003 | 204 | 2003 |
The primacy of culture: the current growth (or manufacture) of consensus within fascist studies R Griffin Journal of Contemporary History 37 (1), 21-43, 2002 | 188 | 2002 |
Fascism´ s new faces (and new facelessness) in the „post-fascist “epoch R Griffin Forum für osteuropäische Ideen-und Zeitgeschichte 27 (1), 45-92, 2023 | 187* | 2023 |
A fascist century: Essays by Roger Griffin R Griffin Springer, 2008 | 148* | 2008 |
Terrorist's creed: Fanatical violence and the human need for meaning R Griffin Springer, 2012 | 137 | 2012 |
Between metapolitics and apoliteia: The Nouvelle Droite's strategy for conserving the fascist vision in the'interregnum' R Griffin Modern & Contemporary France 8 (1), 35-53, 2000 | 136 | 2000 |
Modernismo y fascismo: la sensación de comienzo bajo Mussolini y Hitler R Griffin Ediciones Akal, 2010 | 128 | 2010 |
Studying Fascism in a Postfascist Age. From New Consensus to New Wave? 1 R Griffin Fascism 1 (1), 1-17, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |
Fascism, totalitarianism and political religion R Griffin Routledge, 2005 | 98 | 2005 |
The ‘post‐Fascism’of the Alleanza Nazionale: A case study in ideological morphology R Griffin Journal of Political Ideologies 1 (2), 123-145, 1996 | 92 | 1996 |
Ideology and culture R Griffin The Meaning of Ideology, 75-97, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Modernity, modernism, and fascism. A" mazeway resynthesis" R Griffin Modernism/modernity 15 (1), 9-24, 2008 | 87 | 2008 |
Staging the nation’s rebirth: the politics and aesthetics of performance in the context of fascist studies R Griffin Fascism and Theatre: Comparative Studies on the Aesthetics and Politics of …, 1996 | 84 | 1996 |
Plus ça change! The fascist pedigree of the Nouvelle Droite R Griffin The development of the radical right in France: From Boulanger to Le Pen …, 2000 | 69 | 2000 |