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Short-term trends in Africa’s freshwater resources: Magnitudes and drivers
M Ahmed, D Wiese
Science of the Total Environment, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Hydrogeologic controls on barrier island geomorphology: Insights from electromagnetic surveys
R Abdelrehim, M Ahmed, ME Everett
The Leading Edge 42 (9), 608-614, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
可在其他位置公开访问的文章:14 篇
Aquifer recharge, depletion, and connectivity: Inferences from GRACE, land surface models, and geochemical and geophysical data
A Mohamed, M Sultan, M Ahmed, E Yan, E Ahmed
Bulletin 129 (5-6), 534-546, 2017
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Energy, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Quantifying Modern Recharge and Depletion Rates of the Nubian Aquifer in Egypt
M Ahmed, K Abdelmohsen
Surveys in Geophysics 1, 23, 2018
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Forecasting GRACE Data over the African Watersheds Using Artificial Neural Networks
M Ahmed, M Sultan, T Elbayoumi, T Philippe
Remote Sensing 11 (15), 1769-1790, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Assessing and improving land surface model outputs over Africa using GRACE, field, and remote sensing data
M Ahmed, M Sultan, E Yan, J Wahr
Surveys in Geophysics 37, 529-556, 2016
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Response of deep aquifers to climate variability
K Abdelmohsen, M Sultan, M Ahmed, H Save, B Elkaliouby, M Emil, ...
Science of The Total Environment 677, 530-544, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Energy, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration …
Assessment of age, origin, and sustainability of fossil aquifers: A geochemical and remote sensing-based approach
M Sultan, NC Sturchio, S Alsefry, MK Emil, M Ahmed, K Abdelmohsen, ...
Journal of Hydrology 576, 325-341, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Energy, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Quantifying Temporal Variations in Water Resources of a Vulnerable Middle Eastern Transboundary Aquifer System
OA Fallatah, M Ahmed, H Save, AS Akanda
Hydrological Processes, 2017
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Filling Temporal Gaps within and between GRACE and GRACE-FO Terrestrial Water Storage Records: An Innovative Approach
B Gyawali, M Ahmed, D Murgulet, DN Wiese
Remote Sensing 14 (7), 1565, 2022
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US National Oceanic and …
Quantifying the anthropogenic impact on groundwater resources of North China using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment data and land surface models
B Ebead, M Ahmed, Z Niu, N Huang
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11 (2), 026029-026029, 2017
强制性开放获取政策: 中国科学院, 国家自然科学基金委员会
Reservoir-Induced Land Deformation: Case Study from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
DM Yu Chen, Mohamed Ahmed, Natthachet Tangdamrongsub
Remote Sensing 13 (5), 874, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Vertical land motion monitored with satellite radar altimetry and tide gauge along the Texas coastline, USA, between 1993 and 2020
X Qiao, T Chu, P Tissot, I Ali, M Ahmed
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 117 …, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Quantifying Changes in Groundwater Storage and Response to Hydroclimatic Extremes in a Coastal Aquifer Using Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Measurements: The Texas Gulf Coast …
B Gyawali, D Murgulet, M Ahmed
Remote Sensing 14 (3), 612, 2022
强制性开放获取政策: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Quantifying land subsidence in the Coastal Bend of Texas using temporal gravity measurements
A Beattie, M Ahmed, M Haley, J Rizzo
First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 870-873, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Response of deep aquifers to climate variability
M Ahmed, K Abdelmohsen, M Sultan, H Save, B Elkaliouby, M Emil, ...
Elsevier, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US Agency for …