Compressed sensing and best 𝑘-term approximation A Cohen, W Dahmen, R DeVore Journal of the American mathematical society 22 (1), 211-231, 2009 | 1214 | 2009 |
Stationary subdivision AS Cavaretta, W Dahmen, CA Micchelli American Mathematical Soc., 1991 | 1014 | 1991 |
Adaptive finite element methods with convergence rates P Binev, W Dahmen, R DeVore Numerische Mathematik 97, 219-268, 2004 | 695 | 2004 |
Wavelet and multiscale methods for operator equations W Dahmen Acta numerica 6, 55-228, 1997 | 684 | 1997 |
Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic operator equations: convergence rates A Cohen, W Dahmen, R DeVore Mathematics of Computation 70 (233), 27-75, 2001 | 639 | 2001 |
Numerik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler W Dahmen, A Reusken, A Reusken Springer, 2008 | 575 | 2008 |
Convergence rates for greedy algorithms in reduced basis methods P Binev, A Cohen, W Dahmen, R DeVore, G Petrova, P Wojtaszczyk SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 43 (3), 1457-1472, 2011 | 515 | 2011 |
Multilevel preconditioning W Dahmen, A Kunoth Numerische Mathematik 63 (1), 315-344, 1992 | 465 | 1992 |
Biorthogonal spline wavelets on the interval—stability and moment conditions W Dahmen, A Kunoth, K Urban Applied and computational harmonic analysis 6 (2), 132-196, 1999 | 439 | 1999 |
Approximation and learning by greedy algorithms AR Barron, A Cohen, W Dahmen, RA DeVore | 381 | 2008 |
Using the refinement equation for evaluating integrals of wavelets W Dahmen, CA Micchelli SIAM journal on numerical analysis 30 (2), 507-537, 1993 | 331 | 1993 |
Picometre-precision analysis of scanning transmission electron microscopy images of platinum nanocatalysts AB Yankovich, B Berkels, W Dahmen, P Binev, SI Sanchez, SA Bradley, ... Nature communications 5 (1), 4155, 2014 | 316 | 2014 |
Introduction to model based optimization of chemical processes on moving horizons T Binder, L Blank, HG Bock, R Bulirsch, W Dahmen, M Diehl, T Kronseder, ... Online optimization of large scale systems, 295-339, 2001 | 315 | 2001 |
Wavelet approximation methods for pseudodifferential equations II: Matrix compression and fast solution W Dahmen, S Prößdorf, R Schneider Advances in computational Mathematics 1, 259-335, 1993 | 312 | 1993 |
Adaptive wavelet methods II—beyond the elliptic case Dahmen, DeVore Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2, 203-245, 2002 | 310 | 2002 |
Wavelets on manifolds I: Construction and domain decomposition W Dahmen, R Schneider SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 31 (1), 184-230, 1999 | 268 | 1999 |
Stability of multiscale transformations W Dahmen RWTH Aachen. Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik, 1994 | 266 | 1994 |
Local decomposition of refinable spaces and wavelets JM Carnicer, W Dahmen, JM Peña Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 3 (2), 127-153, 1996 | 263 | 1996 |
Tree approximation and optimal encoding A Cohen, W Dahmen, I Daubechies, R DeVore Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 11 (2), 192-226, 2001 | 234 | 2001 |
Composite wavelet bases for operator equations W Dahmen, R Schneider Mathematics of Computation 68 (228), 1533-1567, 1999 | 222 | 1999 |