Mohammad Khalil
Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.13 User's …
B Adams, W Bohnhoff, K Dalbey, M Ebeida, J Eddy, M Eldred, R Hooper, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2020
Linear system identification using proper orthogonal decomposition
M Khalil, S Adhikari, A Sarkar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 21 (8), 3123-3145, 2007
Uncertainty quantification in LES of a turbulent bluff-body stabilized flame
M Khalil, G Lacaze, JC Oefelein, HN Najm
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1147-1156, 2015
Nonlinear filters for chaotic oscillatory systems
M Khalil, A Sarkar, S Adhikari
Nonlinear Dynamics 55 (1-2), 113-137, 2009
The estimation of time-invariant parameters of noisy nonlinear oscillatory systems
M Khalil, A Sarkar, S Adhikari, D Poirel
Journal of Sound and Vibration 344, 81-100, 2015
Chemical model reduction under uncertainty
RM Galassi, M Valorani, HN Najm, C Safta, M Khalil, PP Ciottoli
Combustion and Flame 179, 242-252, 2017
Bayesian model selection for nonlinear aeroelastic systems using wind-tunnel data
R Sandhu, M Khalil, A Sarkar, D Poirel
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 282, 161-183, 2014
Probabilistic parameter estimation of a fluttering aeroelastic system in the transitional Reynolds number regime
M Khalil, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (15), 3670-3691, 2013
Bayesian parameter estimation and model selection for strongly nonlinear dynamical systems
P Bisaillon, R Sandhu, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Nonlinear Dynamics 82, 1061-1080, 2015
Probabilistic parameter estimation in a 2-step chemical kinetics model for n-dodecane jet autoignition
L Hakim, G Lacaze, M Khalil, K Sargsyan, H Najm, J Oefelein
Combustion Theory and Modelling 22 (3), 446-466, 2018
Bayesian model selection using automatic relevance determination for nonlinear dynamical systems
R Sandhu, C Pettit, M Khalil, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 320, 237-260, 2017
Probabilistic inference of reaction rate parameters from summary statistics
M Khalil, HN Najm
Combustion Theory and Modelling 22 (4), 635-665, 2018
Bayesian inference of nonlinear unsteady aerodynamics from aeroelastic limit cycle oscillations
R Sandhu, D Poirel, C Pettit, M Khalil, A Sarkar
Journal of Computational Physics 316, 534-557, 2016
Modeling strength and failure variability due to porosity in additively manufactured metals
M Khalil, GH Teichert, C Alleman, NM Heckman, RE Jones, K Garikipati, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 373, 113471, 2021
Modeling auto-ignition transients in reacting Diesel jets
L Hakim, G Lacaze, M Khalil, HN Najm, J Oefelein
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138, 112806-112806-8, 2016
Bayesian Inference for Complex and Large-Scale Engineering Systems
M Khalil
Carleton University Ottawa, 2013
Tracking noisy limit cycle oscillation with nonlinear filters
M Khalil, A Sarkar, S Adhikari
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (2), 150-170, 2010
Scalable domain decomposition solvers for stochastic PDEs in high performance computing
A Desai, M Khalil, C Pettit, D Poirel, A Sarkar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 335, 194-222, 2018
Inference of reaction rate parameters based on summary statistics from experiments
M Khalil, K Chowdhary, C Safta, K Sargsyan, HN Najm
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 699-708, 2017
Bayesian modeling of inconsistent plastic response due to material variability
F Rizzi, M Khalil, RE Jones, JA Templeton, JT Ostien, BL Boyce
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 353, 183-200, 2019
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