The impact of social media content marketing (SMCM) towards brand health NS Ahmad, R Musa, MHM Harun Procedia Economics and Finance 37, 331-336, 2016 | 400 | 2016 |
Bridging Islamic financial literacy and halal literacy: the way forward in halal ecosystem PM Antara, R Musa, F Hassan Procedia Economics and Finance 37, 196-202, 2016 | 361 | 2016 |
Assessing consumers’ perception, knowledge and religiosity on Malaysia's halal food products M Said, F Hassan, R Musa, NA Rahman Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 120-128, 2014 | 287 | 2014 |
Celebrity entrepreneur endorsement and advertising effectiveness M Muda, R Musa, RN Mohamed, H Borhan Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 11-20, 2014 | 205 | 2014 |
Determinants of attitude towards Islamic financing among halal-certified micro and SMEs: A preliminary investigation MA Jaffar, R Musa Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 135-144, 2014 | 185 | 2014 |
Factors influencing attitude towards halal cosmetic among young adult Urban Muslim women: A focus group analysis R Musa Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 129-134, 2014 | 185 | 2014 |
The effect of trust and information sharing on relationship commitment in supply chain management Z Abdullah, R Musa Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 266-272, 2014 | 133 | 2014 |
Determinants of attitude and intention towards Islamic financing adoption among non-users MA Jaffar, R Musa Procedia Economics and Finance 37, 227-233, 2016 | 120 | 2016 |
Breaking through the clutter in media environment: how do celebrities help? M Muda, R Musa, L Putit Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 42, 374-382, 2012 | 96 | 2012 |
Measuring service quality in retail loyalty programmes (LPSQual): Implications for retailers' retention strategies NA Omar, R Musa International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 39 (10), 759-784, 2011 | 86 | 2011 |
The effects of green image of retailers on shopping value and store loyalty JM Yusof, R Musa, SA Rahman Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 50, 710-721, 2012 | 77 | 2012 |
The Roles of Perceived Value, Perceived Equity and Relational Commitment in a Disconfirmation Paradigm Framework: An Initial Assessment in aRelationship-Rich'Consumption … R Musa, J Pallister, M Robson Advances in Consumer Research 32, 349, 2005 | 77 | 2005 |
Program Benefits, Satisfaction and Loyalty in Retail Loyalty Program: Exploring the Roles of Program Trust and Program Commitment. NA Omar, CAC Wel, R Musa, MA Nazri IUP Journal of Marketing Management 9 (4), 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Unleashing the effect of store atmospherics on hedonic experience and store loyalty NS Muhammad, R Musa, NS Ali Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 469-478, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Corporate customers’ adoption of Internet banking: case of Klang Valley business firm in Malaysia SS Alam, R Musa, F Hassan International Journal of Business and Management 4 (4), 13-21, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Program perceived value and program satisfaction influences on store loyalty. NA Omar, R Musa, MA Nazri Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 9 (3), 2007 | 63 | 2007 |
Celebrity endorsement in advertising: A double-edged sword M Muda, R Musa, L Putit Journal of Asian behavioural studies 2 (3), 21-32, 2017 | 62 | 2017 |
The antecedents of brand experience within the national automotive industry WNM Nadzri, R Musa, M Muda, F Hassan Procedia Economics and Finance 37, 317-323, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Conceptualisation and operationalisation of Islamic financial literacy scale PM Antara, R Musa, F Hassan Pertanika Journals 25, 251-260, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
University quality and emotional attachment of undergraduate students in a private higher education in Malaysia: The mediating role of total experience AH Abdullah, S Wasiuzzaman, R Musa International Journal of Social Economics 42 (7), 644-665, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |