Damodar Gautam
Damodar Gautam
Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)
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Production and trade scenario of major underutilized crops of Nepal
D Gautam, B Subedi
Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology 6 (1), 71-84, 2022
Evaluation of pro-vitamin A enriched maize hybrids for fighting hidden hunger in Nepal
MP Tripathi, D Gautam, KB Koirala, HK Shrestha, AB Issa
Journal of Agriculture and Applied Biology, 2022
Field performance of three-way cross yellow and white maize hybrids in Nepal
MP Tripathi, KB Koirala, D Gautam, S Subedi, J Upadhyay, HK Shrestha, ...
Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 2021
Impact of adoption of heat-stress tolerant maize hybrid on yield and profitability: Evidence from Terai region of Nepal
AP Kulkarni, MP Tripathi, D Gautam, KB Koirala, M Kandel, D Regmi, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7, 190, 2023
Resource use efficiency (RUE) in lentil production in Terai and inner Terai regions of Nepal.
D Gautam, SC Dhakal, RR Kattel, NP Khanal
Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council 8 (1), 72-87, 2022
Bio-fortified maize: Cornerstone in plant breeding to combat hidden hunger in developing countries
D Gautam, B Shrestha, B Subedi
Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 6 (1), 100-107, 2021
Strengthening the competitiveness of the lentil seed system of Nepal: A value chain approach
D Gautam, SC Dhakal, RR Kattel, NP Khanal
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 2023
Genetic insights on single cross maize hybrid and its importance on maize self-sufficiency in Nepal
P Joshi, D Gautam
Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 6 (2), 218-226, 2021
Willingness to pay (WTP) for heat-tolerant maize hybrids in the mid-western Terai region of Nepal
AP Kulkarni, MP Tripathi, D Gautam, KB Koirala, M Kandel, D Regmi, ...
Sustainability 15 (4), 3068, 2023
Nutraceutical and Pharmacological Benefits of Some Leguminous Plants of North‐Western Himalaya
S Kumar, Divya, S Thakur, M Verma, YA Hajam, R Kumar, SB Dhull, ...
Legume Science 6 (3), e236, 2024
Study on possible forthcoming scenario of Nepalese tea sector analyzing the ongoing status on production, marketing and trade
D Gautam, S Poudel
Malaysian Business Management Journal 1 (2), 1-6, 2022
Nepalese lentil: possible forthcoming transition from the top exportable to the most importable legume
D Gautam, SC Dhakal, RR Kattel, NP Khanal
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