Dosen Magister Teknik Industri UMB
Dosen Magister Teknik Industri UMB
其他姓名Sawarni Hasibuan, Humiras Hardi Purba, Zulfa Fitri Ikatrinasari
Universitas Mercu Buana
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The investigation of consumers’ behavior intention in using green skincare products: a pro-environmental behavior model approach
J Chin, BC Jiang, I Mufidah, SF Persada, BA Noer
Sustainability 10 (11), 3922, 2018
Plan do check action (PDCA) method: literature review and research issues
S Isniah, HH Purba, F Debora
Jurnal Sistem dan Manajemen Industri 4 (1), 72-81, 2020
A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization
A Permana, HH Purba, ND Rizkiyah
International Journal of Production Management and Engineering 9 (1), 25-36, 2021
Evaluating 8 pillars of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) implementation and their contribution to manufacturing performance
EYT Adesta, HA Prabowo, D Agusman
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 290 (1), 012024, 2018
Understanding the consumers’ behavior intention in using green ecolabel product through pro-environmental planned behavior model in developing and developed regions: Lessons …
I Mufidah, BC Jiang, SC Lin, J Chin, YP Rachmaniati, SF Persada
Sustainability 10 (5), 1423, 2018
The influence of product quality, service quality and trust on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty (Case Study PT ABC Tbk)
E Rimawan, A Mustofa, AD Mulyanto
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8 (7), 2330-2336, 2017
Lean six sigma implementation, a systematic literature review
S Tampubolon, HH Purba
International Journal of Production Management and Engineering 9 (2), 125-139, 2021
Investigating users’ perspectives in building energy management system with an extension of technology acceptance model: A case study in indonesian manufacturing companies
J Chin, SC Lin
Procedia Computer Science 72, 31-39, 2015
The evaluation of eight pillars total productive maintenance (TPM) implementation and their impact on overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and waste
HA Prabowo, YB Suprapto, F Farida
Sinergi 22 (1), 13-18, 2018
Diagram fishbone dari Ishikawa
HH Purba
Application of Kaizen concept with 8 Steps PDCA to reduce in line defect at pasting process: A case study in automotive battery
H Darmawan, S Hasibuan, HH Purba
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Res. Eng 4 (8), 97-107, 2018
A behavioral model of managerial perspectives regarding technology acceptance in building energy management systems
J Chin, SC Lin
Sustainability 8 (7), 641, 2016
Analisis pengaruh tingkat pengalaman dan coaching style terhadap kualitas kepemimpinan manajer proyek dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas di pt. Jci
RT Hermawan, S Hasibuan
Jurnal Pasti 11 (1), 84-97, 2016
Implementation of lean service with value stream mapping at directorate airworthiness and aircraft operation, ministry of transportation republic of indonesia
ZF Ikatrinasari, EI Haryanto
Journal of Service Science and Management 7 (4), 291-301, 2014
Implementasi metode balanced scorecard untuk mengukur kinerja di perusahaan engineering (Study Case PT. MSE)
A Zuniawan, O Julyanto, YB Suryono, ZF Ikatrinasari
Journal Industrial Servicess 5 (2), 251-256, 2020
Case study in increasing overall equipment effectiveness on progressive press machine using plan-do-check-act cycle
C Jaqin, A Rozak, H Hardi Purba
International Journal of engineering 33 (11), 2245-2251, 2020
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) pada perawatan mesin grinding menggunakan metode overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
RF Prabowo, H Hariyono, E Rimawan
Journal Industrial Servicess 5 (2), 207-212, 2020
A systematic literature review of key performance indicators (KPIs) implementation
I Setiawan, HH Purba
Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research 1 (3), 200-208, 2020
Investigating generation Z’intention to use learners’ generated content for learning activity: A theory of planned behavior approach
S Persada, J Ivanovski, B Miraja, R Nadlifatin, I Mufidah, J Chin, A Redi
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (4 …, 2020
The implementation lean and green manufacturing through sustainable value stream mapping
ZF Ikatrinasari, S Hasibuan, K Kosasih
IOP Conference series: materials science and engineering 453 (1), 012004, 2018
文章 1–20