Jon Azurza Anderson
Jon Azurza Anderson
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Three Levels Are Not Enough: Scaling Laws for Multi-Level Converters in AC/DC Applications
J Azurza Anderson, G Zulauf, P Papamanolis, S Hobi, SM Miric, JW Kolar
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2020
All-silicon 99.35% efficient three-phase seven-level hybrid neutral point clamped/flying capacitor inverter
J Azurza Anderson, EJ Hanak, L Schrittwieser, M Guacci, JW Kolar, ...
CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, 2019
New Figure-of-Merit Combining Semiconductor and Multi-Level Converter Properties
J Azurza Anderson, G Zulauf, JW Kolar, G Deboy
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, 2020
Accurate Calorimetric Switching Loss Measurement for 900V 10mΩ SiC MOSFETs
J Azurza Anderson, C Gammeter, L Schrittwieser, JW Kolar
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017
Experimental Characterization of Silicon and Gallium Nitride 200V Power Semiconductors for Modular/Multi-Level Converters Using Advanced Measurement Techniques
M Guacci, J Azurza Anderson, KL Pally, D Bortis, JW Kolar, MJ Kasper, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019
Analysis of a synergetically controlled two-stage three-phase DC/AC buck-boost converter
M Antivachis, J Azurza Anderson, D Bortis, JW Kolar
CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, 2020
New Synergetic Control of a 20kW Isolated VIENNA Rectifier Front-End EV Battery Charger
J Azurza Anderson, M Haider, D Bortis, JW Kolar, M Kasper, G Deboy
Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL …, 2019
Novel ZVS S-TCM Modulation of Three-Phase AC/DC Converters
M Haider, J Azurza Anderson, S Mirić, N Nain, G Zulauf, JW Kolar, D Xu, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics 1, 529-543, 2020
Analytical Calculation of the Residual ZVS Losses of TCM-Operated Single-Phase PFC Rectifiers
M Haider, J Azurza Anderson, N Nain, G Zulauf, JW Kolar, DM Xu, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, 2021
Multi-Level Topology Evaluation for Ultra-Efficient Three-Phase Inverters
J Azurza Anderson, L Schrittwieser, M Leibl, JW Kolar
Proc. of IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC 2017), 2017
Application of WBG Power Devices in Future 3-Phase Variable Speed Drive Inverter Systems “How to Handle a Double-Edged Sword”
JW Kolar, J Azurza Anderson, S Miric, M Haider, M Guacci, M Antivachis, ...
Proc. of IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2020), 2020
Ultra-High Bandwidth GaN-Based Class-D Power Amplifier for Testing of Three-Phase Mains Interfaces for Renewable Energy Systems
PS Niklaus, J Azurza Anderson, D Bortis, JW Kolar
Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Renewable Energy Research and Applications …, 2019
Next Generation GaN-based Architectures: From 240W USB-C Adapters to 11kW EV On-Board Chargers with Ultra-high Power Density and Wide Output Voltage Range
MJ Kasper, JA Anderson, G Deboy, Y Li, M Haider, JW Kolar
PCIM Europe 2022; International Exhibition and Conference for Power …, 2022
Towards a 99.5% Efficient All-Silicon Three-Phase Seven-Level Hybrid Active Neutral Point Clamped Inverter
J Azurza Anderson, EJ Hanak, L Schrittwieser, JW Kolar, G Deboy
Proc. of IEEE Intl. Power Electronics and Application Conf. and Expo. (PEAC …, 2018
Validation of a thermal model for overhead transmission lines at high conductor temperature
JR Alvarez, J Azurza Anderson, CM Franck
Proc. of IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2016), 2016
Control and Protection of a Synergetically Controlled Two-Stage Boost-Buck PFC Rectifier System Under Irregular Grid Conditions
Y Li, J Azurza Anderson, J Schäfer, D Bortis, JW Kolar, J Everts
Proc. of IEEE Intl. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conf. (IPEMC-ECCE Asia), 2020
Optimal Synergetic Operation and Experimental Evaluation of an Ultra-Compact GaN-Based Three-Phase 10 kW EV Charger
Y Li, JA Anderson, M Haider, J Schäfer, J Miniböck, J Huber, G Deboy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023
Third-Harmonic-Type Modulation Minimizing the DC-Link Energy Storage Requirement of Isolated Phase-Modular Three-Phase PFC Rectifier Systems
T Langbauer, D Menzi, V Marugg, F Vollmaier, J Azurza, M Kasper, ...
IEEE Access 11, 34359-34371, 2023
Conceptualization and Analysis of a Next-Generation Ultra-Compact 1.5-kW PCB-Integrated Wide-Input-Voltage-Range 12V-Output Industrial DC/DC Converter Module
GC Knabben, G Zulauf, J Schäfer, JW Kolar, MJ Kasper, ...
MDPI Electronics 10 (17), 2158, 2021
New Third-Harmonic Injection Modulation Reducing the DC-Link Energy Buffer Requirement of Phase-Modular Three-Phase Isolated PFC AC/DC Converter Systems
D Menzi, JW Kolar, JA Anderson, MJ Kasper
Proc. of Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2021), 2021
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