Philip Miller
Philip Miller
Centro de Investigación y Conservación Marina (CICMAR), Uruguay
在 cicmar.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Pan-Atlantic analysis of the overlap of a highly migratory species, the leatherback turtle, with pelagic longline fisheries
S Fossette, MJ Witt, P Miller, MA Nalovic, D Albareda, AP Almeida, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1780), 20133065, 2014
Circle hook performance in the Uruguayan pelagic longline fishery
A Domingo, M Pons, S Jiménez, P Miller, C Barceló, Y Swimmer
Bulletin of Marine Science 88 (3), 499-511, 2012
Atlantic leatherback migratory paths and temporary residence areas
S Fossette, C Girard, M Lopez-Mendilaharsu, P Miller, A Domingo, ...
PLoS One 5 (11), e13908, 2010
Insights on leatherback turtle movements and high use areas in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
M López-Mendilaharsu, CFD Rocha, P Miller, A Domingo, L Prosdocimi
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 378 (1-2), 31-39, 2009
Low genetic diversity and population structure of the narrownose shark (Mustelus schmitti)
S Pereyra, G García, P Miller, S Oviedo, A Domingo
Fisheries Research 106 (3), 468-473, 2010
Standardization of CPUE of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) caught by pelagic longliners in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
M Pons, A Domingo, G Sales, FN Fiedler, P Miller, B Giffoni, M Ortiz
Aquatic Living Resources 23 (1), 65-75, 2010
The use of mesoscale eddies by juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the southwestern Atlantic
P Gaube, C Barceló, DJ McGillicuddy Jr, A Domingo, P Miller, B Giffoni, ...
PloS one 12 (3), e0172839, 2017
Plan de Acción Nacional para la conservación de condrictios en las pesquerías Uruguayas.
A Domingo, R Forselledo, P Miller, C Passadore
DINARA, 2008
Distribución y composición de tallas de las tortugas marinas (Caretta caretta y Dermochelys coriacea) que interactúan con el palangre pelágico en el Atlántico Sur
M López-Mendilaharsu, G Sales, B Giffoni, P Miller, FN Fiedler, ...
Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 60 (6), 2094-2109, 2007
Captura incidental de tortugas marinas con palangre pelágico en el Atlántico Sur por las flotas de Brasil y Uruguay
A Domingo, G Sales, B Giffoni, P Miller, M Laporta, G Maurutto
Interacción de tortugas marinas (Caretta caretta y Dermochelys coriacea) con la pesca de palangre pelágico en el atlántico sudoccidental: una perspectiva regional para la …
B Giffoni, A Domingo, G Sales, F Niemeyer-Fiedler, P Miller
Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 62 (6), 1861-1870, 2008
High-use areas, seasonal movements and dive patterns of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
C Barcelo, A Domingo, P Miller, L Ortega, B Giffoni, G Sales, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 479, 235-250, 2013
Prolonged deep dives by the leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea: pushing their aerobic dive limits
M López-Mendilaharsu, CFD Rocha, A Domingo, BP Wallace, P Miller
Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e35, 2009
El impacto generado por las pesquerías en las tortugas marinas en el Océano Atlántico sud occidental
A Domingo, L Bugoni, L Prosdocimi, P Miller, M Laporta, D Monteiro, ...
WWF Programa Marino para Latinoamérica y el Caribe, 2006
The impact generated by fisheries on sea turtles in the Southwestern Atlantic
A Domingo, L Bugoni, L Prosdocimi, P Miller, M Laporta, DS Monteiro, ...
WWF Programa Marino para Latinoamérica y el Caribe, San José, 2006
Distribution and population structure of the pelagic stingray, Pteroplatytrygon violacea (Dasyatidae), in the south-western Atlantic
R Forselledo, M Pons, P Miller, A Domingo
Aquatic Living Resources 21 (4), 357-363, 2008
Is the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier a coastal species? Expanding its distribution range in the Atlantic Ocean using at‐sea observer data
A Domingo, R Coelho, E Cortes, B Garcia‐Cortes, F Mas, J Mejuto, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 88 (3), 1223-1228, 2016
Las aguas del Atlántico Sudoccidental y su importancia en el ciclo de vida de la tortuga cabezona (Caretta caretta): evidencias a través del análisis del adnmt
MN Caraccio, A Domingo, A Márquez, E Naro-Maciel, P Miller, A Pereira
Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 62 (6), 1831-1837, 2008
Anzuelos circulares vs anzuelos j en la flota palangrera uruguaya
A Domingo, C Barceló, Y Swimmer, M Pons, P Miller
Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 64, 2427-2442, 2009
Distribución espacio-temporal y composición de tallas de Alopias superciliosus y A. vulpinus observados en la flota palangrera Uruguaya en el Océano Atlántico (2001-2005)
L Berrondo, M Pons, R Forselledo, P Miller, A Domingo
Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 60 (2), 566-576, 2007
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