Jianxu Liu
Jianxu Liu
Faculty of Economics
在 cmu.ac.th 的电子邮件经过验证
Agricultural productivity growth and its determinants in south and southeast asian countries
J Liu, M Wang, L Yang, S Rahman, S Sriboonchitta
Sustainability 12 (12), 4981, 2020
Modeling volatility and dependency of agricultural price and production indices of Thailand: Static versus time-varying copulas
S Sriboonchitta, HT Nguyen, A Wiboonpongse, J Liu
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 54 (6), 793-808, 2013
Modeling dependence between error components of the stochastic frontier model using copula: Application to intercrop coffee production in Northern Thailand
A Wiboonpongse, J Liu, S Sriboonchitta, T Denoeux
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 65, 34-44, 2015
Sources of total-factor productivity and efficiency changes in China’s agriculture
J Liu, C Dong, S Liu, S Rahman, S Sriboonchitta
Agriculture 10 (7), 279, 2020
The impact of economic growth and energy consumption on carbon emissions: evidence from panel quantile regression
Y Zhou, J Sirisrisakulchai, J Liu, S Sriboonchitta
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1053, 012118, 2018
Analysis of volatility and dependence between the tourist arrivals from China to Thailand and Singapore: A copula-based garch approach
J Liu, S Sriboonchitta
Uncertainty Analysis in Econometrics with Applications: Proceedings of the …, 2013
A vine copula approach for analyzing financial risk and co-movement of the Indonesian, Philippine and Thailand stock markets
S Sriboonchitta, J Liu, V Kreinovich, HT Nguyen
Modeling Dependence in Econometrics: Selected Papers of the Seventh …, 2014
A double-copula stochastic frontier model with dependent error components and correction for sample selection
S Sriboonchitta, J Liu, A Wiboonpongse, T Denoeux
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 80, 174-184, 2017
The effect of China’s outward foreign direct investment on carbon intensity of Belt and Road Initiative countries: A double-edged sword
M Wang, J Liu, S Rahman, X Sun, S Sriboonchitta
Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 792-808, 2023
Examining the interdependence between the exchange rates of China and ASEAN countries: a canonical vine copula approach
J Liu, M Wang, S Sriboonchitta
Sustainability 11 (19), 5487, 2019
Enhancing productivity and resource conservation by eliminating inefficiency of Thai rice farmers: A zero inefficiency stochastic frontier approach
J Liu, S Rahman, S Sriboonchitta, A Wiboonpongse
Sustainability 9 (5), 770, 2017
Studying volatility and dependency of Chinese outbound tourism demand in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand: A vine copula approach
J Liu, S Sriboonchitta, HT Nguyen, V Kreinovich
Modeling Dependence in Econometrics: Selected Papers of the Seventh …, 2014
Risk measurement of stock markets in BRICS, G7, and G20: Vine copulas versus factor copulas
Q Song, J Liu, S Sriboonchitta
Mathematics 7 (3), 274, 2019
Measurement of systemic risk in global financial markets and its application in forecasting trading decisions
J Liu, Q Song, Y Qi, S Rahman, S Sriboonchitta
Sustainability 12 (10), 4000, 2020
Analysis of Household Consumption Behavior and Indebted Self‐Selection Effects: Case Study of Thailand
J Liu, D Sirikanchanarak, S Sriboonchitta, J Xie
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 5486185, 2018
Energy efficiency, energy conservation and determinants in the agricultural sector in emerging economies
J Liu, H Wang, S Rahman, S Sriboonchitta
Agriculture 11 (8), 773, 2021
Energy efficiency and its influencing factors: a case study
J Zhang, J Liu
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-16, 2020
Factors affecting carbon emissons in the G7 and BRICS countries: evidence from quantile regression
Y Zhou, J Sirisrisakulchai, J Liu, S Sriboonchitta
Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making: 7th …, 2019
Foreign direct investment, exports and economic growth in ASEAN region: Empirical analysis from panel data
P Pheang, J Liu, J Sirisrisakulchai, C Chaiboonsri, S Sriboonchitta
Robustness in Econometrics, 691-705, 2017
Vine copula-cross entropy evaluation of dependence structure and financial risk in agricultural commodity index returns
S Sriboonchitta, J Liu, A Wiboonpongse
Modeling Dependence in Econometrics: Selected Papers of the Seventh …, 2014
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