Sunil Gurrapu
Sunil Gurrapu
National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
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Comparison of the SPI and SPEI on predicting drought conditions and streamflow in the Canadian prairies
S Gurrapu, A Chipanshi, D Sauchyn, A Howard
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Hydrology, 2-6, 2014
The influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on annual floods in the rivers of Western Canada
S Gurrapu, JM St‐Jacques, DJ Sauchyn, KR Hodder
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52 (5), 1031-1045, 2016
Challenges and recent developments in flood forecasting in india
S Kumar, SK Jain, S Gurrapu
Proceedings of the Roorkee Water Conclave, Roorkee, India, 26-28, 2020
Assessment of the hydrological drought risk in Calgary, Canada using weekly river flows of the past millennium
S Gurrapu, DJ Sauchyn, KR Hodder
Journal of Water and Climate Change 13 (4), 1920-1935, 2022
Assessment of the ability of the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) to model historical streamflow in watersheds of Western Canada
S Gurrapu, KR Hodder, DJ Sauchyn, JM St. Jacques
Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques …, 2021
Influence of large-scale teleconnections on annual and seasonal floods in Godavari and Narmada River basins
S Gurrapu, A Ranade, JP Patra
Journal of Water and Climate Change 14 (3), 676-693, 2023
Estimating soil moisture in unsaturated zone and irrigation scheduling
S Gurrapu
MTech Thesis, Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, NIT Surathkal …, 2005
A Review of Case Studies on Climate Change Impact on Hydrologic Cycle: An Indian Perspective
PK Bhunya, S Kumar, S Gurrapu, MK Bhuyan
Int. J. Sci. Res. Sci. Eng. Technol. 7 (5), 249-266, 2020
Extreme Rainfall Trends and their Statistical Significance
S Kumar, LN Thakural, S Gurrapu, JP Patra
Climate Change and Environmental Impacts: Past, Present and Future …, 2023
Probabilistic Dam Breach Modelling of Mahi Bajaj Sagar Dam using Monte Carlo Simulation Technique
JP Patra, AK Lohani, S Gurrapu, P Mani, R Kumar
Water and Energy International 66 (6), 73-73, 2023
The effects of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation, and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation on discharge variability in …
D Noel, JM St-Jacques, S Gurrapu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H41D-09, 2022
The Effects of Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Annual Floods in Godavari River Basin, India
S Gurrapu, AA Ranade, JP Patra
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H34F-03, 2022
Extreme Rainfall Analysis Using Extreme Value (EV-I) Distribution Based on L-Moment Approach
S Kumar, LN Thakural, JP Patra, S Gurrapu
Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol …, 2022
corrected Proof
S Gurrapu, DJ Sauchynb, KR Hodder
Assessing the influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on discharge variability in western North America
DD Noel
Concordia University, 2021
Acknowledgement of Reviewers 2019
G Tsakiris
Water Resources Management 34 (3), 1281-1287, 2020
Assessment of the Influence of Nonstationary Climate on Extreme Hydrology of Southwestern Canada
S Gurrapu
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Regina, 2020
Declining Surface Water Availability Projected for the Athabasca River Basin, Water Source for Canadian Tar Sands Extraction, Using CORDEX
JM St-Jacques, MO Brault, Y Andreichuk, S Gurrapu, D Sauchyn
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, A54F-04W, 2019
Chapter-13-Uncertainty in climate change studies
S Gurrapu, V Singh
National Institute of Hydrology, 2019
Assessing the Historic and Prehistoric Hydrological Drought Risk for the City of Calgary, Alberta
S Gurrapu, D Sauchyn, KR Hodder
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, H51I-1420, 2018
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