Andrea Giovanni Cutti
Andrea Giovanni Cutti
Applied Research Manager - INAIL Prosthetic Center
在 inail.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Literature review on needs of upper limb prosthesis users
F Cordella, AL Ciancio, R Sacchetti, A Davalli, AG Cutti, E Guglielmelli, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 209, 2016
Ambulatory measurement of shoulder and elbow kinematics through inertial and magnetic sensors
AG Cutti, A Giovanardi, L Rocchi, A Davalli, R Sacchetti
Medical & biological engineering & computing 46 (2), 169-178, 2008
‘Outwalk’: a protocol for clinical gait analysis based on inertial and magnetic sensors
AG Cutti, A Ferrari, P Garofalo, M Raggi, A Cappello, A Ferrari
Medical & biological engineering & computing 48 (1), 17, 2010
First in vivo assessment of “Outwalk”: a novel protocol for clinical gait analysis based on inertial and magnetic sensors
A Ferrari, AG Cutti, P Garofalo, M Raggi, M Heijboer, A Cappello, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 48 (1), 1, 2010
A framework for the definition of standardized protocols for measuring upper-extremity kinematics
A Kontaxis, AG Cutti, GR Johnson, HEJ Veeger
Clinical Biomechanics 24 (3), 246-253, 2009
A new formulation of the coefficient of multiple correlation to assess the similarity of waveforms measured synchronously by different motion analysis protocols
A Ferrari, AG Cutti, A Cappello
Gait & posture 31 (4), 540-542, 2010
Gait symmetry and regularity in transfemoral amputees assessed by trunk accelerations
A Tura, M Raggi, L Rocchi, AG Cutti, L Chiari
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 7 (1), 4, 2010
Soft tissue artefact assessment in humeral axial rotation
AG Cutti, G Paolini, M Troncossi, A Cappello, A Davalli
Gait & Posture 21 (3), 341-349, 2005
Functionally interpretable local coordinate systems for the upper extremity using inertial & magnetic measurement systems
WHK De Vries, HEJ Veeger, AG Cutti, C Baten, FCT Van Der Helm
Journal of biomechanics 43 (10), 1983-1988, 2010
Gait analysis in children with cerebral palsy via inertial and magnetic sensors
JC van den Noort, A Ferrari, AG Cutti, JG Becher, J Harlaar
Medical & biological engineering & computing 51 (4), 377-386, 2013
The reliability of upper limb kinematics in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy
E Jaspers, H Feys, H Bruyninckx, A Cutti, J Harlaar, G Molenaers, ...
Gait & posture 33 (4), 568-575, 2011
SIAMOC position paper on gait analysis in clinical practice: General requirements, methods and appropriateness. Results of an Italian consensus conference
MG Benedetti, E Beghi, A De Tanti, A Cappozzo, N Basaglia, AG Cutti, ...
Gait & posture 58, 252-260, 2017
Impact of Michelangelo prosthetic hand: Findings from a crossover longitudinal study
M Luchetti, AG Cutti, G Verni, R Sacchetti, N Rossi
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 52 (5), 605-620, 2015
Methodological factors affecting joint moments estimation in clinical gait analysis: a systematic review
V Camomilla, A Cereatti, AG Cutti, S Fantozzi, R Stagni, G Vannozzi
Biomedical engineering online 16 (1), 106, 2017
Inter-operator reliability and prediction bands of a novel protocol to measure the coordinated movements of shoulder-girdle and humerus in clinical settings
P Garofalo, AG Cutti, MV Filippi, S Cavazza, A Ferrari, A Cappello, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 47 (5), 475-486, 2009
Ambulatory measurement of the scapulohumeral rhythm: intra-and inter-operator agreement of a protocol based on inertial and magnetic sensors
I Parel, AG Cutti, G Fiumana, G Porcellini, G Verni, AP Accardo
Gait & posture 35 (4), 636-640, 2012
Treatment of the partial hand amputation: an engineering perspective
I Imbinto, C Peccia, M Controzzi, AG Cutti, A Davalli, R Sacchetti, ...
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 9, 32-48, 2016
In vivo validation of a new technique that compensates for soft tissue artefact in the upper-arm: preliminary results
AG Cutti, A Cappello, A Davalli
Clinical Biomechanics 21, S13-S19, 2006
A simple test to assess the static and dynamic accuracy of an inertial sensors system for human movement analysis
AG Cutti, A Giovanardi, L Rocchi, A Davalli
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006. EMBS'06. 28th Annual …, 2006
Energy storing and return prosthetic feet improve step length symmetry while preserving margins of stability in persons with transtibial amputation
H Houdijk, D Wezenberg, L Hak, AG Cutti
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 15 (1), 76, 2018
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