Elena Kardanova
Testing the family investment model in Russia: Estimating indirect effects of SES and parental beliefs on the literacy skills of first-graders
M Vasilyeva, E Dearing, A Ivanova, C Shen, E Kardanova
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42, 11-20, 2018
Skill levels and gains in university STEM education in China, India, Russia and the United States
P Loyalka, OL Liu, G Li, E Kardanova, I Chirikov, S Hu, N Yu, L Ma, F Guo, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (7), 892-904, 2021
Grit: Two related but independent constructs instead of one. Evidence from item response theory.
Y Tyumeneva, E Kardanova, J Kuzmina
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 35 (4), 469, 2019
Does EdTech Substitute for Traditional Learning?: Experimental Estimates of the Educational Production Function
E Bettinger, RW Fairlie, A Kapuza, E Kardanova, P Loyalka, A Zakharov
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Computer science skills across China, India, Russia, and the United States
P Loyalka, OL Liu, G Li, I Chirikov, E Kardanova, L Gu, G Ling, N Yu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (14), 6732-6736, 2019
Assessing the quality of upper-secondary vocational education and training: evidence from China
H Yi, G Li, L Li, P Loyalka, L Zhang, J Xu, E Kardanova, H Shi, J Chu
Comparative education review 62 (2), 199-230, 2018
Developing instruments to assess and compare the quality of engineering education: The case of China and Russia
E Kardanova, P Loyalka, I Chirikov, L Liu, G Li, H Wang, E Enchikova, ...
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 41 (5), 770-786, 2016
IRT analysis and validation of the Grit Scale: A Russian investigation
Y Tyumeneva, J Kuzmina, E Kardanova
National Research University of Higher School Higher School 24, 33, 2014
Checking the possibility of equating a mathematics assessment between Russia, Scotland and England for children starting school
A Ivanova, E Kardanova, C Merrell, P Tymms, D Hawker
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 25 (2), 141-159, 2018
Operationalizing levels of academic mastery based on Vygotsky’s theory: The study of mathematical knowledge
P Nezhnov, E Kardanova, M Vasilyeva, L Ludlow
Educational and Psychological Measurement 75 (2), 235-259, 2015
Обобщенные типы развития первоклассников на входе в школу По материалам исследования iPIPS
ЕЮ Карданова, АЕ Иванова, ПА Сергоманов, ТН Канонир, ...
Вопросы образования, 8-37, 2018
Obobshchennye tipy razvitiya pervoklassnikov na vkhode v shkolu. Po materialam issledovaniya iPIPS [Patterns of First-Graders’ Development at the Start of Schooling: Cluster …
E Kardanova, A Ivanova, P Sergomanov, T Kanonire, I Antipkina, D Kayky
Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow 1, 8-37, 2018
Developmental patterns of cognitive and non-cognitive skills of Russian first-graders
E Orel, I Brun, E Kardanova, I Antipkina
International Journal of Early Childhood 50, 297-314, 2018
Examining mode effects for an adapted Chinese critical thinking assessment
L Gu, G Ling, OL Liu, Z Yang, G Li, E Kardanova, P Loyalka
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 46 (6), 879-893, 2021
Otsenka rezul’tatov shkol’nogo obrazovaniya: strukturny podkhod [Evaluation of Schooling Results: A Structural Approach]
P Nezhnov, E Kardanova, B El’konin
Voprosy obrazovaniya, 26-43, 2011
Measuring basic mathematical literacy in elementary school
D Federiakin, G Larina, E Kardanova
Вопросы образования, 113-132, 2021
Pochemu nuzhno issledovat'formirovanie navykov chteniya. Chto sposobstvuet i chto meshaet progressu detey v chtenii
IV Antipkina, MI Kuznecova, EY Kardanova
Voprosy obrazovaniya, 206-233, 2017
Heterogeneity of the educational system: an introduction to the problem
F Aleskerov, I Frumin, E Kardanova
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.07322, 2016
Diminishing Marginal Returns to Computer‐Assisted Learning
E Bettinger, R Fairlie, A Kapuza, E Kardanova, P Loyalka, A Zakharov
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 42 (2), 552-570, 2023
Sex differences in first graders' literacy skills are mediated by parental input
M Vasilyeva, I Antipkina, M Coughlan, E Kardanova
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 76, 101318, 2021
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