Information rules: A strategic guide to the network economy C Shapiro, HR Varian Harvard Business Press, 1999 | 14420 | 1999 |
Network externalities, competition, and compatibility ML Katz, C Shapiro The American economic review 75 (3), 424-440, 1985 | 12056 | 1985 |
Equilibrium unemployment as a worker discipline device C Shapiro, JE Stiglitz The American economic review 74 (3), 433-444, 1984 | 8134 | 1984 |
Systems competition and network effects ML Katz, C Shapiro Journal of economic perspectives 8 (2), 93-115, 1994 | 4635 | 1994 |
Technology adoption in the presence of network externalities ML Katz, C Shapiro Journal of political economy 94 (4), 822-841, 1986 | 4299 | 1986 |
Premiums for high quality products as returns to reputations C Shapiro The quarterly journal of economics 98 (4), 659-679, 1983 | 4144 | 1983 |
Navigating the patent thicket: Cross licenses, patent pools, and standard setting C Shapiro Innovation policy and the economy 1, 119-150, 2000 | 2464 | 2000 |
Horizontal mergers: an equilibrium analysis J Farrell, C Shapiro The American Economic Review, 107-126, 1990 | 2205 | 1990 |
Patent holdup and royalty stacking MA Lemley, C Shapiro Tex. L. Rev. 85, 1991, 2006 | 1673 | 2006 |
Consumer information, product quality, and seller reputation C Shapiro The Bell Journal of Economics, 20-35, 1982 | 1493 | 1982 |
Optimal patent length and breadth R Gilbert, C Shapiro The RAND Journal of Economics, 106-112, 1990 | 1418 | 1990 |
Probabilistic patents MA Lemley, C Shapiro Journal of Economic Perspectives 19 (2), 75-98, 2005 | 1254 | 2005 |
Informative advertising with differentiated products GM Grossman, C Shapiro The Review of Economic Studies 51 (1), 63-81, 1984 | 1108 | 1984 |
Product introduction with network externalities ML Katz, C Shapiro The journal of industrial economics, 55-83, 1992 | 1094 | 1992 |
Theories of oligopoly behavior C Shapiro Handbook of industrial organization 1, 329-414, 1989 | 1084 | 1989 |
Foreign counterfeiting of status goods GM Grossman, C Shapiro The Quarterly Journal of Economics 103 (1), 79-100, 1988 | 1014 | 1988 |
The art of standards wars C Shapiro, HR Varian California management review 41 (2), 8-32, 1999 | 978 | 1999 |
On the licensing of innovations ML Katz, C Shapiro The RAND Journal of Economics, 504-520, 1985 | 965 | 1985 |
The theory of business strategy C Shapiro The Rand journal of economics 20 (1), 125-137, 1989 | 930 | 1989 |
Dynamic competition with switching costs J Farrell, C Shapiro The RAND Journal of Economics, 123-137, 1988 | 898 | 1988 |