Danis Pertiwi
Danis Pertiwi
在 unissula.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Hypoxia-preconditioned MSCs have superior effect in ameliorating renal function on acute renal failure animal model
A Putra, D Pertiwi, MN Milla, UD Indrayani, D Jannah, M Sahariyani, ...
Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences 7 (3), 305, 2019
Pengaruh Pemberian Sari Kurma (Phoenix dactylifera) terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Studi Eksperimental pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar yang Diberi Diet Rendah Zat Besi (Fe){The …
ATH Zen, D Pertiwi
FK Univ. Sultan Agung (Unisula) Semarang, 2013
Formula Jamu Antihipertensi and captopril are equally effective in patients with hypertension
A Hussaana, H Sarosa, UD Indrayani, C Chodidjah, B Widiyanto, ...
Universa Medicina 35 (2), 81-88, 2016
Effect of Tender Coconut Water on Blood Lipid Levels in Hight Fat Diet Fed Male Rats.
Z Thomas, D Pertiwi, SA Bagus, BJ EM, NS Alfiza
Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (JKIMSU) 6 (2), 2017
Pemantapan Mutu Laboratorium Bidang Kimia Klinik
D Pertiwi
Majalah Sultan Agung 48 (122), 17-31, 2010
Hubungan antara neutrophil lymphocyte ratio dan absolute lymphocyte count dengan mortalitas pasien Covid-19 (studi observasional analitik pada pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat inap …
D Pertiwi, AP Aulia, R Rahayu
Medica Arteriana (Med-Art) 4 (1), 32-38, 2022
Hypoxia-preconditioned MSCs have superior effect in ameliorating renal function on acute renal failure animal model. Open Access Maced
A Putra, D Pertiwi, MN Milla, UD Indrayani, D Jannah, M Sahariyani, ...
J. Med. Sci 7 (3), 2019
Pengecekan Kadar Asam Urat dan Kolesterol serta Penyuluhan Mengenai Hiperurisemia dan Hiperkolesterol pada Komunitas Jantung Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
D Pertiwi, S Sampurna, M Nisa
Jurnal ABDIMAS-KU: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kedokteran 2 (2), 43, 2023
Pengaruh pemberian N-acetylcystein terhadap kadar hormon testosteron pada hiperkolesterolemia
N Faozah, T Nasihun, C Chodidjah, T Sumarawati, D Pertiwi, JW Widodo
Jurnal Litbang Edusaintech 2 (1), 8-12, 2021
Hematological and Biochemical Parameters at Admission as Predictors for Mortality in Patients with Moderate to Severe COVID-19
D Pertiwi, M Nisa, AP Aulia, Rahayu
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 33 (2), 2023
The length of AZT consumption and homocysteine levels are protective factors of macrocytic anemia among adult HIV-infected patients: a case-control study in central java …
D Pertiwi, TI Winarni, AN Probandari
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 19 (4), 638, 2020
Pengaruh Sari Buah Kurma (Phoenix dactylifera) terhadap Waktu Perdarahan Studi Eksperimental pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar yang Diinduksi Aspirin The Effect of Dates Juice on …
RP Sari, D Pertiwi
Sains medika 5 (1), 20-22, 2013
The Effect of Dates Juice on The Bleeding Time An Experimental Study of Male Wistar Strain Rats that Induced by Aspirin.
RP Sari, S Sampurna, D Pertiwi
Sains Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan 5 (1), 20-22, 2013
Perbandingan Hasil Pemeriksaan Na, K, Cl antara Penampungan Spesimen Menggunakan Tabung Kaca dan Tabung Pemisah Serum
D Pertiwi
Sains Medika 1 (2), 115-120, 2009
Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Derajat Trombositopenia pada Anak dengan Demam Berdarah Dengue: Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Degree of Thrombocytopenia in Children …
M Fasitasari, D Pertiwi, JW Wibowo, UD Indrayani, MD Athatsaniya
Journal of Holistics and Health Sciences (JHHS) 6 (1), 40-48, 2024
Ameliorating Effect of Apium graveolens (Celery) Extracts on IL-6 Plasma Level and Expression of Caspase 3 on Liver in Animal Model of Lead Intoxication.
R Razaqtania, D Pertiwi, S Trisnadi, H Sarosa, T Kusumarawati, A Putra
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 27 (2), 52-58, 2024
Duration of Zidovudine Consumption Correlates with Anemia in People Living with HIV
D Pertiwi, MAU Sofro, TI Winarni, AN Probandari
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and …, 2023
Clinical Features, Imaging, Laboratory Result, and Severity of COVID-19 Patients in Referral Hospital
B Safarini, M Arif, D Pertiwi, SPR Wijaya, S Yuliyanti
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 11 (B), 565-570, 2023
A Case-Control Study of the MTHFR C665T Gene Polymorphism on Macrocytic Anemia Among HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Zidovudine
D Pertiwi, MAU Sofro, TI Winarni, AN Probandari
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 1633-1641, 2022
Edukasi Jenis Pemeriksaan Laboratorium dalam Mendiagnosis COVID-19
D Pertiwi
Jurnal ABDIMAS-KU: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kedokteran 1 (2), 57-62, 2022
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