Mieke Kleijn
Mieke Kleijn
Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, Wageningen University
The toxicity of plastic nanoparticles to green algae as influenced by surface modification, medium hardness and cellular adsorption
TM Nolte, NB Hartmann, JM Kleijn, J Garnæs, D Van De Meent, ...
Aquatic toxicology 183, 11-20, 2017
Characterisation of algal organic matter produced by bloom-forming marine and freshwater algae
LO Villacorte, Y Ekowati, TR Neu, JM Kleijn, H Winters, G Amy, ...
Water Research 73, 216-230, 2015
Atomic force microscopy and direct surface force measurements (IUPAC Technical Report)
J Ralston, I Larson, MW Rutland, AA Feiler, M Kleijn
Pure and applied chemistry 77 (12), 2149-2170, 2005
Adsorption of the protein bovine serum albumin in a planar poly (acrylic acid) brush layer as measured by optical reflectometry
WM de Vos, PM Biesheuvel, A de Keizer, JM Kleijn, MA Cohen Stuart
Langmuir 24 (13), 6575-6584, 2008
The electrical double layer on gold probed by electrokinetic and surface force measurements
M Giesbers, JM Kleijn, MAC Stuart
Journal of colloid and interface science 248 (1), 88-95, 2002
Influence of the electric potential of the interface on the adsorption of proteins
MA Bos, Z Shervani, ACI Anusiem, M Giesbers, W Norde, JM Kleijn
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 3 (1-2), 91-100, 1994
Performance of metal alloys as hydrogen evolution reaction catalysts in a microbial electrolysis cell
AW Jeremiasse, J Bergsma, JM Kleijn, M Saakes, CJN Buisman, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (17), 10482-10489, 2011
Bipolar electrode behaviour of the aluminium surface in a lateral electric field
J Duval, JM Kleijn, HP van Leeuwen
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 505 (1-2), 1-11, 2001
Use of biocompatible buffers to reduce the concentration overpotential for hydrogen evolution
AW Jeremiasse, HVM Hamelers, JM Kleijn, CJN Buisman
Environmental science & technology 43 (17), 6882-6887, 2009
Field theoretical analysis of driving forces for the uptake of proteins by like-charged polyelectrolyte brushes: Effects of charge regulation and patchiness
WM De Vos, FAM Leermakers, A De Keizer, MA Cohen Stuart, JM Kleijn
Langmuir 26 (1), 249-259, 2010
Double layer of a gold electrode probed by AFM force measurements
D Barten, JM Kleijn, J Duval, HP Leeuwen, J Lyklema, MA Cohen Stuart
Langmuir 19 (4), 1133-1139, 2003
Amphifunctionally electrified interfaces: Coupling of electronic and ionic surface-charging processes
J Duval, J Lyklema, JM Kleijn, HP van Leeuwen
Langmuir 17 (24), 7573-7581, 2001
The adsorption of proteins from aqueous solution on solid surfaces.
JM Kleijn, W Norde
Heterogeneous chemistry reviews 2, 157-172, 1995
Orientation of adsorbed cytochrome c as a function of the electrical potential of the interface studied by total internal reflection fluorescence
JG Fraaije, JM Kleijn, M Van der Graaf, JC Dijt
Biophysical journal 57 (5), 965-975, 1990
Interactions between acid-and base-functionalized surfaces
M Giesbers, JM Kleijn, MAC Stuart
Journal of colloid and interface science 252 (1), 138-148, 2002
Determination of the orientation distribution of adsorbed fluorophores using TIRF. I. Theory
MA Bos, JM Kleijn
Biophysical journal 68 (6), 2566-2572, 1995
Forces between polymer-covered surfaces: a colloidal probe study
M Giesbers, JM Kleijn, GJ Fleer, MAC Stuart
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 142 (2-3 …, 1998
Determination of the orientation distribution of adsorbed fluorophores using TIRF. II. Measurements on porphyrin and cytochrome c
MA Bos, JM Kleijn
Biophysical journal 68 (6), 2573-2579, 1995
Ultrastrong anchoring yet barrier‐free adsorption of composite microgels at liquid interfaces
H Monteillet, M Workamp, J Appel, JM Kleijn, FAM Leermakers, J Sprakel
Advanced Materials Interfaces 1 (7), 1300121, 2014
Bovine beta-casein micelles as delivery systems for hydrophobic flavonoids
M Li, R Fokkink, Y Ni, JM Kleijn
Food Hydrocolloids 96, 653-662, 2019
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