Dirgahayu Lantara
Dirgahayu Lantara
Universitas Muslim Indonesia
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Dunia Industri: Perspektif Psikologi Tenaga Kerja
D Lantara, M Nusran
Nas Media Pustaka, 2019
Analisis tingkat kepuasan pengguna sistem informasi perpustakaan menggunakan Pieces Framework
I Indrawati, PLL Belluano, H Harlinda, FAR Tuasamu, D Lantara
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah 11 (2), 118-128, 2019
Indonesian Islamic banks: A review of the financial state before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Banks and Bank Systems, 17 (4), 12–24
D Lantara, J Junaidi, N Rauf, A Pawennari, RN Achmad
Comparison of Floyd-Warshall algorithm and greedy algorithm in determining the shortest route
H Azis, D Lantara, Y Salim
2018 2nd East Indonesia conference on computer and information technology …, 2018
Indonesian Islamic banks: A review of the financial state before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Banks and Bank Systems, 17 (4), 12–24
D Lantara, J Junaidi, N Rauf, A Pawennari, RN Achmad
Validasi Pencarian Kata Kunci Menggunakan Algoritma Levenshtein Distance Berdasarkan Metode Approximate String Matching
N Fadhillah, H Azis, D Lantara
Prosiding SAKTI (Seminar Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi) 3 (2), 129-133, 2018
Determination Of The Optimal Number Of Employees Using The Full Time Equivalent (Fte) Method At Pt. Xyz
A Ahmad, N Rauf, Y Mahenra, T Alisyahbana, A Pawennari, D Lantara, ...
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management 6 (3), 239-246, 2021
Analisa Penerapan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan Dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi Parsipatori Di Percetakan
N Ikasari, D Lantara, N Chairany, A Bella
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management 3 (1), 271947, 2018
Analisis Penerapan Lean Manufaktur Untuk Mengurangi Pemborosan Di Lantai Produksi PT. Eastern Pearl Flour Mills Makassar
N Chairany, D Lantara, N Ikasari, A Ukkas
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management 3 (1), 33-39, 2018
Produksi akrolein dengan proses degradasi menggunakan gelombang suara
D Lantara, R Kalla
Journal of Chemical Process Engineering 4 (2), 97-102, 2019
Steganography for data hiding in digital audio data using combined least significant bit and 4-wrap length method
ABW Putra, MT Jufri, D Lantara, A Assyauqi, A Wajiansyah, A Pranolo
2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2018
Studi produk halal daging ayam potong dengan pendekatan rantai pasok (supply chain) di Makassar
A Risyaldi, M Nusran, D Lantara
International Journal Mathla’ul Anwar of Halal Issues 1 (1), 40-48, 2021
Indonesian Islamic banks: A review of the financial state before and after the COVID-19 pandemic
D Lantara
Bussiness Perspectives 17 (4), 12-24, 2022
Analisis Losses pada Pemindahan Material LGSO di Front Penambangan
A Habibie, S Widodo, MN Alim, EP Umar, D Lantara, A Nurwaskito, ...
Jurnal Geomine 7 (3), 212-218, 2019
Pengenalan Jenis Laptop menggunakan Metode Markerless
N Nasruddin, H Azis, D Lantara
Prosiding SAKTI (Seminar Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi) 3 (2), 148-151, 2018
Proses Produksi Pembuatan Kapal Layar Phinisi untuk Meminimalkan Waktu Produksi dengan Model PERT (Programming Evaluation dan Review Technique)
D Lantara
Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur 7 (1), 1-118, 2014
Analisis Alterasi Pada Endapan Bijih Besi Di Daerah Tanjung, Kecamatan Bontocani, Kabupaten Bone, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
F Firdaus, TA Kandora, D Lantara, AB Thamsi, H Harwan, H Bakri
Jurnal Geosapta 6 (1), 49-56, 2020
Machine Maintenance Planning Using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Method at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIV Camming Sugar Factory in Bone Regency
S Sulkifli, D Lantara, MF Hafid
Journal of Sustainability Industrial Engineering and Management System 1 (1 …, 2022
Pengembangan Wawasan Kewirausahaan Berbasis Halal Knowledge di Desa Belapunranga Kec. Parangloe Kab. Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
M Nusran, D Lantara, N Muchlis, MFAR Pelu
Window of Community Dedication Journal, 75-85, 2021
Implementasi Metode C4. 5 dalam Mendiagnosa Penyakit Pernapasan
NG Massora, D Lantara, W Astuti
Prosiding SAKTI (Seminar Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi) 3 (2), 116-120, 2018
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