Clifton Makate
Crop diversification and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe: adaptive management for environmental change
C Makate, R Wang, M Makate, N Mango
SpringerPlus 5, 1-18, 2016
Increasing resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change through multiple adoption of proven climate-smart agriculture innovations. Lessons from Southern Africa
C Makate, M Makate, N Mango, S Siziba
Journal of environmental management 231, 858-868, 2019
Factors influencing household food security among smallholder farmers in the Mudzi district of Zimbabwe
N Mango, B Zamasiya, C Makate, K Nyikahadzoi, S Siziba
Development Southern Africa 31 (4), 625-640, 2014
The role of crop diversification in improving household food security in central Malawi
N Mango, C Makate, L Mapemba, M Sopo
Agriculture & Food Security 7 (1), 1-10, 2018
Awareness and adoption of land, soil and water conservation practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
N Mango, C Makate, L Tamene, P Mponela, G Ndengu
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 5 (2), 122-129, 2017
Adoption of small-scale irrigation farming as a climate-smart agriculture practice and its influence on household income in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
N Mango, C Makate, L Tamene, P Mponela, G Ndengu
Land 7 (2), 49, 2018
Effective scaling of climate smart agriculture innovations in African smallholder agriculture: A review of approaches, policy and institutional strategy needs
C Makate
Environmental science & policy 96, 37-51, 2019
A stochastic frontier analysis of technical efficiency in smallholder maize production in Zimbabwe: The post-fast-track land reform outlook
N Mango, C Makate, B Hanyani-Mlambo, S Siziba, M Lundy
Cogent Economics & Finance 3 (1), 1117189, 2015
The impact of adoption of conservation agriculture on smallholder farmers’ food security in semi-arid zones of southern Africa
N Mango, S Siziba, C Makate
Agriculture & Food Security 6, 1-8, 2017
Smallholder farmers’ perception of climate change and adoption of climate smart agriculture practices in Masaba South Sub-county, Kisii, Kenya
JO Nyang'au, JH Mohamed, N Mango, C Makate, AN Wangeci
Heliyon 7 (4), 2021
Farm household typology and adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in smallholder farming systems of southern Africa
M Makate, N Nelson, C Makate
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 10 (4 …, 2018
Synergistic impacts of agricultural credit and extension on adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies in southern Africa
C Makate, M Makate, M Mutenje, N Mango, S Siziba
Environmental Development 32, 100458, 2019
Smallholder farmers’ perceptions on climate change and the use of sustainable agricultural practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
C Makate, M Makate, N Mango
Social Sciences 6 (1), 30, 2017
Local institutions and indigenous knowledge in adoption and scaling of climate-smart agricultural innovations among sub-Saharan smallholder farmers
C Makate
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 12 (2 …, 2020
The causal effect of increased primary schooling on child mortality in Malawi: Universal primary education as a natural experiment
M Makate, C Makate
Social Science & Medicine 168, 72-83, 2016
The impact of prenatal care quality on neonatal, infant and child mortality in Zimbabwe: evidence from the demographic and health surveys
M Makate, C Makate
Health policy and planning 32 (3), 395-404, 2017
Impact of drought tolerant maize adoption on maize productivity, sales and consumption in rural Zimbabwe
C Makate, R Wang, M Makate, N Mango
Agrekon 56 (1), 67-81, 2017
The evolution of socioeconomic status-related inequalities in maternal health care utilization: evidence from Zimbabwe, 1994–2011
M Makate, C Makate
Global health research and policy 2, 1-12, 2017
Sustainable agriculture practices and livelihoods in pro-poor smallholder farming systems in southern Africa
C Makate, M Makate, N Mango
African journal of science, technology, innovation and development 9 (3 …, 2017
Pluralistic seed system development: a path to seed security?
TH Mulesa, SP Dalle, C Makate, R Haug, OT Westengen
Agronomy 11 (2), 372, 2021
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