Masculine gender role stress and self-stigma of seeking help: The moderating roles of self-compassion and self-coldness. NR Booth, RC McDermott, HL Cheng, NC Borgogna Journal of counseling psychology 66 (6), 755, 2019 | 99 | 2019 |
College students’ conformity to masculine role norms and help-seeking intentions for suicidal thoughts. RC McDermott, PN Smith, N Borgogna, N Booth, S Granato, TD Sevig Psychology of Men & Masculinity 19 (3), 340, 2018 | 82 | 2018 |
Character strengths and first-year college students’ academic persistence attitudes: An integrative model BR Browning, RC McDermott, ME Scaffa, NR Booth, NT Carr The Counseling Psychologist 46 (5), 608-631, 2018 | 79 | 2018 |
Hope for help-seeking: A positive psychology perspective of psychological help-seeking intentions RC McDermott, HL Cheng, J Wong, N Booth, Z Jones, T Sevig The Counseling Psychologist 45 (2), 237-265, 2017 | 74 | 2017 |
In search of positive masculine role norms: Testing the positive psychology positive masculinity paradigm. RC McDermott, KR Pietrantonio, BR Browning, DK McKelvey, ZK Jones, ... Psychology of Men & Masculinities 20 (1), 12, 2019 | 64 | 2019 |
Traditional masculinity ideology, conformity, gender role conflict, and protective traits: a testable model based on the Gender Role Strain Paradigm NR Booth University of South Alabama, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |