Iris van Ooijen
Iris van Ooijen
Assistant Professor
在 bsi.ru.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Does the GDPR enhance consumers’ control over personal data? An analysis from a behavioural perspective
I Van Ooijen, HU Vrabec
Journal of consumer policy 42, 91-107, 2019
Packaging design as an implicit communicator: Effects on product quality inferences in the presence of explicit quality cues
I Van Ooijen, ML Fransen, PWJ Verlegh, EG Smit
Food quality and preference 62, 71-79, 2017
Signalling product healthiness through symbolic package cues: Effects of package shape and goal congruence on consumer behaviour
I Van Ooijen, ML Fransen, PWJ Verlegh, EG Smit
Appetite 109, 73-82, 2017
Differences in consumer knowledge and perceptions of personalized advertising: Comparing online behavioural advertising and synced advertising
CM Segijn, I Van Ooijen
Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (2), 207-226, 2022
Atypical food packaging affects the persuasive impact of product claims
I Van Ooijen, ML Fransen, PWJ Verlegh, EG Smit
Food Quality and Preference 48, 33-40, 2016
Self-persuasion as marketing technique: the role of consumers’ involvement
SF Bernritter, I van Ooijen, BCN Müller
European Journal of Marketing 51 (5/6), 1075-1090, 2017
Privacy cynicism and its role in privacy decision-making
I van Ooijen, CM Segijn, SJ Opree
Communication Research 51 (2), 146-177, 2024
Perceptions of techniques used to personalize messages across media in real time
CM Segijn, I Van Ooijen
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 23 (5), 329-337, 2020
The validation of the perceived surveillance scale
CM Segijn, SJ Opree, I Ooijen
(Not to be taken) with a grain of salt: Enhancing perceived saltiness by 3D-printed surface textures
T van Rompay, I van Ooijen, S Groothedde, D Saakes
Food Quality and Preference 93, 104279, 2021
Does the GDPR Enhance Consumers
I van Ooijen, HU Vrabec
Control over Personal Data, 91-107, 0
When disclosures backfire: Aversive source effects for personalization disclosures on less trusted platforms
I van Ooijen
Journal of Interactive Marketing 57 (2), 178-197, 2022
Packaging Design as Communicator of Product Attributes: Effects on Consumers' Attribute Inferences
I van Ooijen
SWOCC, 2016
The power of symbolic packaging cues
I van Ooijen
Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. VI) The Digital, the Classic, the …, 2015
The Role of Perceived Surveillance and Privacy Cynicism in Effects of Multiple Synced Advertising Exposures on Brand Attitude
CM Segijn, E Kim, I van Ooijen
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 1-17, 2024
For your eyes only? An eye-tracking experiment investigating microtargeting transparency, visual attention, and critical processing
MP Jansen, I van Ooijen, MP Jansen, I van Ooijen
OSF, 2023
Responses to Online Behavioral Advertising Disclosures: Effects of Source Integrity and Perceived Hypocrisy on Advertising Effectiveness
I van Ooijen
Advances in Consumer Research, 2018
Opting opt-in or out?: Effects of Defaults on Psychological Ownership and Valuation of Personal Data
I van Ooijen
North-American conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) 2018, 2018
May we Collect your Digital Identity? How Framing User Data as part of the Digital Identity affects Perceived Ownership and Data Disclosure Behaviors
I van Ooijen, B Kamleitner
13th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management …, 2018
Design cues on packaging–Goal-dependent effects
I van Ooijen, ML Fransen, PWJ Verlegh, EG Smit
14th International Conference on Research in Advertising, ICORIA 2015 …, 2016
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