Sabrina J Mayer
Sabrina J Mayer
Professor of Political Sociology, University of Bamberg
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How does research productivity relate to gender? Analyzing gender differences for multiple publication dimensions
SJ Mayer, JMK Rathmann
Scientometrics 117 (3), 1663-1693, 2018
How negative partisanship affects voting behavior in Europe: Evidence from an analysis of 17 European multi-party systems with proportional voting
SJ Mayer
Research & Politics 4 (1), 2053168016686636, 2017
Immigrant voters against their will: a focus group analysis of identities, political issues and party allegiances among German resettlers during the 2017 bundestag election …
A Goerres, SJ Mayer, DC Spies
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (7), 1205-1222, 2020
Die Parteiidentifikation: Eine Konstruktvalidierung neuer Maße auf Basis des Ansatzes sozialer Identität
SJ Mayer
Springer-Verlag, 2016
The Two Dimensions of Narcissistic Personality and Support for the Radical Right: The Role of Right‐wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation and Anti‐immigrant Sentiment
SJ Mayer, CC Berning, D Johann
European Journal of Personality, 2020
Antiasiatischer Rassismus in Deutschland
K Suda, SJ Mayer, C Nguyen
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70 (42/44), 39-44, 2020
Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund bei der Bundestagswahl 2017: Erste Auswertungen der Immigrant German Election Study zu Deutschtürken und Russlanddeutschen
A Goerres, DC Spies, SJ Mayer
Duisburg: University of Duisburg-Essen, 2018
Systemrelevant und prekär beschäftigt: Wie Migrant* innen unser Gemeinwesen aufrechterhalten
S al-Khalil, A Lietz, SJ Mayer
DeZIM-Institut, 2020
What are we missing? Explaining immigrant-origin voter turnout with standard and immigrant-specific theories
D Spies, S Mayer, A Goerres
Electoral Studies, 2019
Why do immigrants support an anti-immigrant party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany
DC Spies, SJ Mayer, J Elis, A Goerres
West European Politics 46 (2), 275-299, 2022
How did immigrant voters vote at the 2017 bundestag election? First results from the Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES)
A Goerres, D Spies, S Mayer
First Results from the Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES)(March 2, 2018 …, 2018
The Relation Between Social Identities and Outgroup Hostility Among German Immigrant‐Origin Citizens
H Hamidou‐Schmidt, SJ Mayer
Political Psychology 42 (2), 311-331, 2021
Angry reactionary narcissists? Anger activates the link between narcissism and right-populist party support
SJ Mayer, C Nguyen
Politics and Governance 9 (3), 248-259, 2021
The perception of scientific authorship across domains
D Johann, SJ Mayer
Minerva 57 (2), 175-196, 2019
The effects of political involvement and cross-pressures on multiple party identifications in multi-party systems–evidence from Germany
SJ Mayer, M Schultze
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 29 (2), 245-261, 2019
Die Messung der Parteiidentifikation auf Basis des Ansatzes sozialer Identität
SJ Mayer
Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, Sonderheft 50, 263-286, 2015
The impact of emotions on polarization. Anger polarizes attitudes towards vaccine mandates and increases affective polarization
CG Nguyen, SJ Mayer, S Veit
Research & Politics 9 (3), 20531680221116571, 2022
Die Wähler der NPD: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahl der NPD 1969
S Mayer
Drewipunkt, 2011
DeZIM. panel–Data for Germany’s post-migrant society
J Dollmann, SJ Mayer, A Lietz, M Siegel, J Köhler
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 243 (1), 93-108, 2023
A new electorate? Explaining the party preferences of immigrant-origin voters at the 2017 Bundestag election
A Goerres, SJ Mayer, DC Spies
British Journal of Political Science 52 (3), 1032-1054, 2022
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