Vasile Cotiugă
Vasile Cotiugă
在 uaic.ro 的电子邮件经过验证
Use of the 3-D scanner in mapping and monitoring the dynamic degradation of soils: case study of the Cucuteni-Baiceni Gully on the Moldavian Plateau (Romania)
G Romanescu, V Cotiuga, A Asandulesei, C Stoleriu
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (3), 953-966, 2012
Briquetage and salt cakes: an experimental approach of a prehistoric technique
FA Tencariu, M Alexianu, V Cotiugă, V Vasilache, I Sandu
Journal of Archaeological Science 59, 118-131, 2015
In situ Raman spectroscopy at the Voroneţ Monastery (16th century, Romania): New results for green and blue pigments
N Buzgar, A Buzatu, AI Apopei, V Cotiugă
Vibrational Spectroscopy 72, 142-148, 2014
New archaeometric characteristics for ancient pottery identification
I Sandu, V Cotiuga, AV Sandu, AC Ciocan, GI Olteanu, V Vasilache
International Journal of Conservation Science 1 (2), 75-82, 2010
Physical study of the Cucuteni pottery technology
F Matau, V Nica, P Postolache, I Ursachi, V Cotiuga, A Stancu
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2), 914-925, 2013
Salt spring in present rural world. An ethnoarchaeological approach in Moldavia (Romania)
M Alexianu, O Weller, R Brigand, R Curca, V Cotiuga, I Moga
Archaeology and Anthropology of salt: a diachronic approach, 7-23, 2011
Experimental Archaeology: the Burning of the Chalcolithic Dwellings
V Cotiugă
Itinera in praehistoria. Studia in honorem magistri Nicolae Ursulescu quinto …, 2009
Problèmes de la culture Précucuteni a la lumière des recherches de Târgu Frumos (dép. Iași), în «Scripta Praehistorica
N Ursulescu, D Boghian, V Cotiugă
Miscellanea in honorem nonagenarii magistri Mircea Petrescu Dîmbovița oblata …, 2005
Société et environnement dans la zone du Bas Danube durant le 5ème millénaire avant notre ère
L Carozza, C Bem, C Micu
Editura Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2011
Salt effect
M Alexianu, RG Curcă, V Cotiugă
Second Archeoinvest Symposium: From the ethnoararchaeology to the …, 2015
Integrated prospection methods for documenting threatened prehistoric archaeological sites from north-eastern Romania
A Asăndulesei, IC Nicu, R Balaur, Ș Caliniuc, M Asăndulesei, V Cotiugă
Archaeol. Polona 53, 425-430, 2015
Conservarea ştiinţifică a artefactelor din ceramică
I Sandu, V Vasilache, FA Tencariu, V Cotiugă
Editura Universităţii" Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2010
Use of terrestrial 3D laser scanner in cartographing and monitoring relief dynamics and habitation space from various historical periods
G Romanescu, V Cotiuga, A Asandulesei
Cartography–a tool for spatial analysis, 49-74, 2012
Revaluation of archaeological ceramics assets under generally accepted principles of integrated scientific conservation
IG Sandu, V Vasilache, V Cotiuga
International Journal of Conservation Science 1 (4), 241-247, 2010
Cesium magnetometer survey in the Cucuteni settlement of Fulgeriş - La Trei Cireşi, Bacău County, Romania
A Asăndulesei, L Istina, V Cotiugă, FA Tencariu, Ş Caliniuc, R Balaur, ...
Romanian Reports in Physics 64 (3), 878-890, 2012
Construcţii experimentale pentru culturile Precucuteni şi Cucuteni
D Monah, V Cotiugă, O Cotoi
Arheologia Moldovei 27, 41-60, 2004
Poduri, com. Poduri, jud. Bacău. Punct: Dealul Ghindaru
D Monah, D Popovici, G Dumitroaia, F Monah, G Lupașcu, V Cotiugă, ...
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2001, 242-246, 2002
Holocene subfossil records of the auroch (Bos primigenius) in Romania
L Bejenaru, S Stanc, M Popovici, A Balasescu, V Cotiuga
The Holocene 23 (4), 603-614, 2013
Scientific Conservation of the Ceramic Artefacts, Al. I
I Sandu, V Vasilache, FA Tencariu, V COTIUGÃ
Cuza” University Publishing House, Iaşi, 2010
On the Chalcolithic House-Building. Archaeological Observations and Some Experimental Archaeological Data
A László, V Cotiugă
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 147-170, 2005
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