Rina Anindita
Rina Anindita
Universitas Esa Unggul
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Digital marketing strategies to increase online business sales through social media
NG Adiyono, TY Rahmat, R Anindita
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management …, 2021
The impact of compensation, motivation, and job satisfaction on employee performance
E Sidabutar, TYR Syah, R Anindita
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (1), 1-5, 2020
The role of transformational leadership and organizational culture towards organizational commitment through job satisfaction among mining industry employees
V Senjaya, R Anindita
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen 18 (4), 767-782, 2020
Work life balance, turnover intention, and organizational commitment in nursing employees at X hospital, Tangerang, Indonesia
MC Wardana, R Anindita, R Indrawati
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (4), 221-228, 2020
How employee engagement mediates the influence of individual factors toward organizational commitment
R Anindita, AE Seda
Problems and Perspectives in management 16 (1), 276-283, 2018
The transformational leadership effect on job satisfaction and job performance
K Kishen, TYR Syah, SR Anindita
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (1), 47-51, 2020
Influence of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in restaurants of the tangerang area
LM Karani, TYR Syah, R Anindita
Interpersonal trust impact on moderate customer satisfaction by product quality and brand image
A Pranata, TYR Syah, R Anindita
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (1), 34-41, 2020
Influence of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in restaurants of the Tangerang area
KL Maisya, STY Rahmat, A Rina
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 92 (8), 142-147, 2019
Pengaruh kompensasi dan work life balance terhadap kepuasan kerja dimediasi stres kerja
A Alianto, R Anindita
Universitas Esa Unggul, 2018
Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Metode Riset Bidang Pemasaran
Hasyim, R Anindita
UIEU-University Press 1, 2009
Cultural intelligence effect on job satisfaction over employee performance
S Takdir, TYR Syah, R Anindita
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic 4 (1), 28-33, 2020
How packaging, product quality and promotion affect the purchase intention?
Y Ririn, STY Rahmat, A Rina
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 92 (8), 46-55, 2019
The effect of compensation and work life balance on work satisfaction mediated by work stress
A Alianto, R Anindita
International Journal of business and management invention (IJBMI) ISSN 7 (5 …, 2018
Self efficacy model and career development in increase employee engagement and nurse performance
G Pronajaya, R Anindita, RA Pamungkas
Dinasti International Journal of Education Management and Social Science 2 …, 2021
Analysis of the effect of motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on performance
I Widarto, R Anindita
IARJSET 5 (9), 21-29, 2018
Peran Job Crafting Terhadap Kinerja Guru Pada Masa Pandemi Covid Melalui Burnout Dan work Life Balance
D Di Apriyanti, R Anindita, DA Purwandari
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Dan Bisnis 22 (2), 260-278, 2021
Impact of Perceived Supervisor Support and Rewards and Recognition Toward Performance Through Work Satisfaction and Employee Engagement in Employee Marketing Banks
R Kurniawan, R Anindita
Business and Entrepreneurial Review 21 (1), 171-192, 2021
Aplikasi Model Rasch dalam Mengukur Komitmen Dosen
R Anandita, L Cahyadi
Jurnal Manajemen Dan Supervisi Pendidikan 4 (3), 220-231, 2020
The impact of organizational culture towards organizational citizenship behavior through job satisfaction and competency among online media employees
R Anindita, NP Bachtiar
Business and Entrepreneurial Review 21 (1), 193-216, 2021
文章 1–20