Erica McCray
" Less afraid to have them in my classroom": understanding pre-service general educators' preceptions about inclusion
ED McCray, PA McHatton
Teacher Education Quarterly 38 (4), 135-155, 2011
Mentoring in action: The interplay among professional assistance, emotional support, and evaluation
M Israel, ML Kamman, ED McCray, PT Sindelar
Exceptional Children 81 (1), 45-63, 2014
Inclination toward inclusion: Perceptions of elementary and secondary education teacher candidates
PA McHatton, ED McCray
Action in Teacher Education 29 (3), 25-32, 2007
It's 10 am: Do you know where your children are? The persisting issue of school truancy
ED McCray
Intervention in school and clinic 42 (1), 30-33, 2006
Listening to Their Voices: Middle Schoolers' Perspectives of Life in Middle School.
MA Steinberg, ED McCray
Qualitative Report 17, 68, 2012
Examining the legacy of Brown: The impact on special education and teacher practice
MW Shealey, MS Lue, M Brooks, E Mccray
Remedial and Special Education 26 (2), 113-121, 2005
The varied experience of undergraduate students learning chemistry in virtual reality laboratories
SM Reeves, KJ Crippen, ED McCray
Computers & Education 175, 104320, 2021
What are the roles of general and special educators in inclusive schools?
ED McCray, TW Butler, E Bettini
Handbook of effective inclusive schools, 80-93, 2014
High-Leverage Practices and Evidence-Based Practices: A Promising Pair.
ED McCray, M Kamman, MT Brownell, S Robinson
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform …, 2017
Woman (ist) s’ work: The experiences of Black women scholars in education at predominantly White institutions
ED McCray
Women of color in higher education: Turbulent past, promising future 9, 99-125, 2011
Writing (for) our lives: Black feminisms, interconnected guidance, and qualitative research in special education
M Boveda, ED McCray
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 34 (6), 496-514, 2021
Working together: Research on the preparation of general education and special education teachers for inclusion and collaboration
MC Pugach, LP Blanton, M Boveda
Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation, 143-160, 2014
The role of leaders in forming school-university partnerships for special education teacher preparation
ED McCray, MS Rosenberg, MT Brownell, LU deBettencourt, MM Leko, ...
Journal of Special Education Leadership 24 (1), 47-58, 2011
Equity challenges in the accountability age: Demographic representation and distribution in the teacher workforce
EB Kozleski, AJ Artiles, ED McCray, L Lacy
Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation, 113-126, 2014
Development and Sustainability of School-University Partnerships in Special Education Teacher Preparation: A Critical Review of the Literature. NCIPP Document Number RS-3.
MS Rosenberg, M Brownell, ED McCray, LU Debettencourt, M Leko, ...
National Center to Inform Policy and Practice in Special Education …, 2009
Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation
ED McCray, E Bettini, MT Brownell, J McLeskey, PT Sindelar
Taylor & Francis Group, 2023
The efficacy of a literacy intervention for incarcerated adolescents
DE Houchins, JC Gagnon, HB Lane, RG Lambert, ED McCray
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 35 (1), 60-91, 2018
“Sista doctas” taking a seat at the table: Advocacy and agency among women of color in teacher education
M Williams Shealey, P Alvarez McHatton, E McCray, U Thomas
NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education 7 (1), 19-46, 2014
Preparing teachers to work with diverse populations
VI Correa, PA McHatton, ED McCray, CC Baughan
Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation, 194-214, 2014
The “wicked question” of teacher education effects and what to do about it
B Lignugaris, PT Sindelar, ED McCray, J Kimerling
Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation, 461-471, 2014
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